"Out of Powder Springs, Georgia, Sharife Cooper"

He smiled, putting a hand over his face before standing up and yknow.. dapping his folks up.

Isaac even came down from Cleveland which made Rife mad happy.

He saw his best friend get drafted and now his best friend is watching him get drafted.. shit's crazy.

He finally looked over at me and we smiled at each other.

I sat Kaylie down before giving him a tight ass hug.

"I'm so proud of you baby"

"Thank you mamas"

We sat back down and he yknow did the lil interview or whatever anddd yeah.

The world officially knows about Kaylie due to her being on Sharife's lap during his interview and him talking about her and his "OBSTACLES" of being a teen student-athlete father.

After that we really were just partying.

Yk people telling us congrats on Kaylie, the draft, etc..

"So you moving to LA wimme?" Te'a asked and Rife rolled his eyes.

"I guess" He shrugged, lowkey smiling.

"Boy if youn stop tryna act hard and smile.. weird ass" I said, mumbling the last part.

He flicked me off and I did the same to him.

"Weird ass couple" Omar said, making me laugh.




"AYE MAN COME GET THIS SHIT!" Coop yelled, making me fucking cackle as I watched him struggle to get one of the boxes.

"Tf you put in there? BOULDERS?" He asked, panting.

"It's kitchen stuff" I said, rolling my eyes and he flicked me off.

We're packing and sending our stuff to our house up there now BUT we're gonna stay down here for Kaylie's first birthday.

Right now, she's running around with David doing Lord knows what.

This the last box FINALLY so we sent the stuff off.

Our flight is tomorrow morning and we wanted our stuff to at least almost be there when we got there.

"Kaylie!" I said as Kindall and my mom brought the cake in.

She ran to me, laughing and I picked her up.

I put her in her high chair and we sang happy birthday.

She a wee bit confused but 😭😭

After that, we let her play with David... who's 7... but somehow their lil friendship or whatever works.

"So... you finally leaving the south" Te'a said, sipping on sum Mia gave her. Definitely alcohol.

I nodded, sighing.

"And you, you turned 20 and went ghost"

"Listen I was gon have a party but-"

"No you wasnt , quit lying . You looked me dead in my eye and said yeen doing nun for it so don't do that"

He paused before looking over at me.

"See it be the talk too much for me"

"If you tryna fight let's do it"

"Let's do it"

"Okay.. um no" Mia said, breaking us up as we got in each other's grills.

"Lowkey scared because I feel like one day we'll get a call and it'll be like yeah they definitely did just fight"

"He ain't bout it"

He glared over at me and scoffed.


It's now 9 something and everyone is saying bye and stuff and it's making me sadddd.

Me and my sister eyed each other before hugging.

"I love you" She whispered and I smiled.

"I love you too"

I blew her a kiss and kissed my nephews before they left.

Rife wrapped his arms around me, hugging me from behind.

I inhaled his scent, which was calming me down.

"Cmon" He said, guiding me into the living room.

"Where's Lee?"

"In her room, sleep"

I nodded, taking my shoes off.

"Shower together?" He asked and I shrugged.

We took a real quick shower which was NOT normal because ... yeah.

We laid down and he rubbed my feet, making me sigh out.

"Enjoy being a basketball wife" He snickered and I flicked him off.

"I'm just saying"

"I have a question Rife"


"How's it gonna be playing against Isaac?"

He got quiet and I got my answer.

"Me and him talked about it.. it's gonna be hard and fasho weird to say the least but we couldn't expect to play together everywhere" He said, shrugging and I nodded.

"Don't freeze up when you see Cavs on the schedule" I said and he nodded.

"Most definitely will not"

"Mhm" I said, drifting off.



"Cmon Lee" I said, waking her up.

She groaned before opening her eyes slowly.

She whined as she held her arms out for me.

I picked her up and went to change her pamper.

Once I did that, I brushed her teeth and stuff before throwing her one of the outfits from her suitcase on.

After that, I went downstairs with her, seeing Kay already fully dressed and ready.

"Y'all ready to go?" She asked and I nodded.

I had already put me and Kay's suitcases in the car so I just took Kaylie's with me and put it in the trunk when we left.

We got to the jet and a truck took my car, taking it to LA so it probably won't be there for some time.

Which is why we sent Kay's up there the other day.

Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance

We got on the jet with Te'a, Dwight, and David and I laid Lee back down.

I sat down and Kay cuddled up to me.

I wonder what our lives will be like in 10 years..

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