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"Shh I know it hurts baby" I said, rubbing Des's back.

"I didn't want to lose him!" She said, sobbing.

"I know" I said, leaning my chin on her shoulder.

Omar walked downstairs on his phone.

He glanced over at us and sighed.

He walked over, grabbing Des from me.

He sat her on his lap as her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Mar! I'm s-so sorry! I promise! I was just mad and I was saying anything I knew would get you mad and I shouldn't have done that" She sobbed into his arms.

He pushed her hair back, kissing her ear before whispering something in her ear.

Sharife walked downstairs, slowly as he eyed them and then looked at me. I shrugged and he came and sat by me.

Des nodded at whatever he said and wrapped her arms around him tighter and he wrapped his around her waist. So I'm guessing they're hugging.

He asked her something else and she nodded. He kissed her forehead before getting up, walking out to a car.

"Girl what he say? And where he going?"

"He went somewhere with Mia and he said we'll talk it out like adults when he gets back. And he asked me if I was alright now just a second ago and I said yeah."

"Yeah he gon be going with Mia for a few days" Rife chimed in, low key looking pissed off.


"When.. yknow comments like that get made he completely disregards me and Te'a and confides in Mia for support and stuff" He said, motioning to Destiny's comments.

"I said I'm sorry, okay?! Jeez" She said, sinking back into the couch pouting.

"I know Des, but it should've never been said"

"I know! And I'm sorry if I've costed you part of the bond you 2 have..."

"It's whatever" He said, scrolling on his phone.

I hit him.

"She already feels bad, you don't need to make her feel worse"

"I'm not trying to." He said.

I gave him a look before I leaned on him. At this point I just love being in his presence.

"You know where they went?" Rife asked Des.


He nodded, continuing to scroll on his phone.

Genuinely, I'm worried about Des. She's always felt neglected and now she feels it even more.


"I just hate seeing her cry" I stressed to Mia.

It's been about 2 hours since she's picked me up and we're currently riding around town.

"I know bro. So what you gon say to her?"

"Ion even know." I said, sighing.

"You must really love this lil girl"

I turned to look at her.

"Whatchu mean?"

"I've seen you cut people completely off for looking at you wrong. You can't let shorty go."

I sighed. "You right. And that's crazy cause she really think I don't." I let out a dry laugh.

"I need a therapist"

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