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*a week later*


"Can you guys please..." I started, drifting off.

My little brothers and my nephew were going OFF ! My little brothers are 5 and 7 and my nephew is 5.

I quickly woke up when I heard something fall.


I've been taking care of them for a few days now. My mom's been at work heavy and my older sister... isn't in the best mental state to raise my nephew.

But shit neither am I, tf?

I sighed, picking up the containers.

"Guys" I groaned.

Then I heard the doorbell ring.

Thinking it was my mom, I rushed to it.

I opened it to see Omar, Rife, and Kay.

"Hi guys" I said, waving tiredly.

They walked in and I shut and locked the door.

"TT" I heard my nephew say.


"Um..." He said nervously, looking back.

"What did you guys do" I asked, walking to the kitchen.

I sighed, seeing the syrup all over the counter.

I put some bleach on a hot rag and wiped it down.

I grabbed all of their hands, bringing them to the living room and sitting them down before sitting myself.

I laid my head on O's shoulder and he looked over at me.

"Yeen tell us you was babysitting"

"I'm raising them at this point" I said, yawning.

"TY STOP !" I yelled, grabbing him before he could fall off the couch.

My 4 year old nephew is Ty, and my 5 year old brother is Javion and my 7 year old brother is Kayden.

I sighed, drifting off.

I've gotten like 9 good hours of sleep over the last week.

"You slept last night?" O asked and I shook my head.

He scrunched his face up and a few minutes later my mom came home.

"Hi" She sighed, taking her shoes off.

"Ty, Javion, and Kayden you got a clean 5 seconds to get all these damn toys up" She said through gritted teeth.

I got up, walking upstairs and O followed me.

"We going to my house"

Good, I won't be able to do shit here.

I slid some shoes on and we walked out.

We got in his car and I fell asleep, just that quick.

I woke up in his bed, low key confused.

He was next to me, scrolling on his phone.

"Mmm.. what time is it?" I asked, yawning.

"2:30 in the morning" He responded, looking over at me.

I sighed, shaking my head.

"My mama gotta work tomorrow so I gotta babysit them againnnn" I groaned.

"Lemme take some stress off ya" He said and I nodded, spreading my legs.

Another ChanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora