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I was chillin waiting for my brothers practice to end and one of the basketballs came my way almost hitting me.

"My bad" one of the boys said grabbing the ball

"You good"

"What's yo name I never seen you before"

"I'm Y/n and you are?"

"You don't know me? Wow" he said like it was a shock

"Who are you?" I ask again

"I'm Mikey"

"Nice to meet you Mikey"

"Willams get over here" the coach yelled for him and he jogged back with the ball

"Mikey Williams" I say to myself "that's match"

Some peoples names don't match their last name but his did.

When their practice ended I headed to the car and right when I was about to get in my brother told me get in the back.

"Get in the back"

"For what?" I look at him

"I'm taking Mikey home"

"And he can't sit in the back?" I ask

"Get yo little ass in the back" he said getting in the driver seat

"Oh this your girl?" Mikey asked Caleb

"No dummy this my big headed little sister"

"My head not even big you doing too much cause you around your friend" I wave him off.

"I see the resemblance now" he laughed putting on his seatbelt. He not bad looking.

"Can we get food?" I ask in a whiny tone.

"When I drop him off yeah"

"You can stop now I'm hungry too"

We stopped at chick fil a and he copied my order.

"I just met you and you wanna be like me so bad" I shake my head

"Don't nobody wanna be like you" he said

"Except Mikey Williams"

"I knew you heard of me" he smirked

"No. You told me your first name and your coach called you by your last name I can put pieces together"

"She never heard of you" my brother said

"Look me up"

I went to safari and looked up Mikey Williams and I found out a lot.

"So you play basketball,I knew that"

"Look some more" Caleb told me.

I went Instagram and he popped up with no last name needed.

"Your verified?"


"This was supposed to impress me?" I ask slowly

"No but I'm known" he shrugged


"Why you wanna be like me then?"

"I don't" he laughed

"It's okay you do" I smiling nodding

"I need to get some gas real quick" Caleb said turning into the gas station

When he said that it was quiet but when he got out Mikey broke the silence.

"Slide me your number"

"Boy no" I was playing had to play hard to get.

"Aight coo" he shrugged

"I was playing let me see your phone" he handed me his phone smirking "make sure to text"

"I am" he said right before Caleb got in the car

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