The Rat Colony [Chapter Thirteen]

Start from the beginning

Techno quickly rushed over to Wilbur, his feet kicking up water and even rats. Wilbur's attention was drawn back to the rats as one- and quickly followed by two- jumped at his legs, teeth ripping the bottom of his pants and sinking into his flesh. He let out a cry for help and a petrified scream as he tried to kick them away, tears swarming his eyes from the overbearing and sharp pain. As he struggled, water splashed up around him and stung into the wounds he already had, his vision starting to grow darker with spots of red and black from the pain.

However, before any more could attack him, Techno was at Wilbur's side with his rock in hand. Wilbur could now see that it looked like it was part of the wall that had been chunked off some time ago, making him wonder how old this place was for just a moment. Techno swooped down and began to bash at the rats clinging to Wilbur, before moving to the the surrounding rats.

Fear tightly held onto Wilbur as he struggled to move his legs away from the swarm of rats, his heart beating strong and swiftly against his ribs. His arms and legs shook violently and he could feel trickles of a warm substance ooze down from the rat bites in his legs. He could smell the stench of dirt and death upon the rats filling the room, along with their wet pelts caked in mud and stuff he didn't want to think about. His feet were growing numb from standing in the cold water and he felt his hot tears against his cheeks, unknowingly crying. He tasted a metallic taste in his mouth and he dreaded to find out if it was from the water he had been standing in or blood. It tasted like fear and evil and he felt as if he couldn't breath.

However, a loud and bloody scream brought Wilbur back to reality from his light-headed moment of shock. He quickly shook his head from his tears and he looked over to Techno, who was getting swamped with rats upon rats upon rats. They were climbing over each other to get at him, and water- or blood- was flying everywhere. Wilbur inhaled sharply and took a trembling step forward to help, but his throat had gone too dry to call out for him and his legs felt rooted to the ground. He helplessly watched as the rats managed to swarm underneath Techno's feet and he went falling back. Wilbur heard a splash as Techno fell into the water, before screams followed. In a few moments, the screams were drowned out by excited rat squeals.

Wilbur backed up, his fear rising more and more, feeling like he was about to pass out. His head swarmed with thoughts of losing Techno and having no clue what to do. Tears swarmed in his gaze and he couldn't breath. How was he suppose to help? He had no idea how he could even save Techno! He tugged on his wet shirt sleeve hard, nervous and panicking. His throat grew tighter and he just watched the bodies of the rat flood over Techno like water.

His mind flashed back to a few nights ago when it was storming. Back to when Wilbur was awoken by the clashes of thunder and the flashes of bright lights, and his first instinct was to run from it. Techno had saved him from his own fear, promising to protect him. That he would save him. He had saved Wilbur then, so now it was time for Wilbur to save Techno! Wasn't it?

However no matter how much he tried to tell himself that he owed it to Techno, he couldn't help but to feel weak and useless. As Techno screams broke through Wilbur's skull, he closed his eyes and raced forward with his own shout. It was hard to run through the shallow water, especially since he felt his legs growing weaker, but he managed to reach the pile of rats. He began to kick them across the rooms, being fueled by the sound of their screeches as they were kicked away. He shut his eyes as he kicked blinding, the noises of the rats growing louder and louder. Before he knew it, half of the rats had turned to Wilbur and were now jumping at him. One particularly large rat jumped from on top of the pile of bodies and at Wilbur's chest, knocking him over.

Wilbur let out a cried and a scream as the rat bit into his shoulder, and he had to grip it's writhing and greasy body in his hands and rip it off of him, tossing it away. Blood was swiftly spilling from his shoulder now, but at least the rats had turned away from him now that he posed no threat. His head was swarming and his vision was growing dark. He gasped out for breath before he felt his vison get consumed into the void of his own mind.

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