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The sound of cars passing by was all that could be heard in the small car, as it drove toward the famous UA high-school. Inside sat two teenagers, both having not said a word since the trip started.
Your e/c eyes were locked on the road ahead of you, as a certain red-headed man drove.

A voice cut through the awkward silence, snapping you out of your daze, "Hey, Y/n, don't look so down alright?" He turned to you, revealing sharp teeth in an innocent grin, "You're going to love UA, I promise!"

You turned to face him, managing a small, weak smile, "Thanks Kiri-" you were cut off by the sudden realization that the car was swerving left, "KIRISHIMA PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD!"

The boy immediately focused, turning to face the road until you were driving smoothly again. A realized sigh escaped both of your lips, which soon turned to bright laughter. It felt like a weight had been lifted as the awkward silence had been broken, and you were starting to feel a little at ease.


You had known Kiri for ages. The two of you met when some bully had waltzed up to him, and you decided to step in and save the day. After that day, you guys were best friends, almost inseparable.

Now you're both teenagers, heading off to UA high-school, where heroes were born... or rather, built. You couldn't say you were too happy about it though, going to UA. When the time came that most applied for hero training, you had applied and were rejected... It didn't bother you though, not at all.

Before you had applied, your father passed away on hero duty. Something lit inside you— a burning hatred for heroes, or rather how risky their job was. After his death, you refused to try and be a hero—but with enough nagging from your mother, and a little bit of bribery from Kirishima, the two had successfully gotten you to go to UA. A spot had opened up in Kirishima's class, and he wanted you to join.

So here you were, in a car, on the way to live a life you didn't want to—how... annoying.


After what seemed like an endless road trip filled with anxiety, you finally reach UA. You take a deep breath and step out the car with Kiri, "Here we are Y/N!" he exclaimed excitedly. His peppy attitude never failed to bring at least a small smile to your face.

A tall man with black hair, and some cloth-like material around his neck, approached you, and your body immediately tensed. He was... intimidating, and rather scrawny. Is he a teacher? You thought to yourself.

"Hello Y/N, I'm Shouta Aizawa, your new teacher." His dark black eyes met you e/c ones, and you quickly looked away. "I see you've met my student Kirishima?" He spoke again— as you examined the man, you noticed how he showed almost no emotion. He looked as if he just wanted to curl up in a sleeping bag and ignore the world.

Quickly you catch yourself lacking, and bow a bit, "Nice to meet you, sir! I-I'm Y/n L/n... though I suppose you already know that..." you lift your head back up, an awkward smile etching your face as you shuffle toward Kiri for some comfort in this awkward situation.

The tired male seems unfazed by your awkward introduction, "Well, we're glad to have you in UA... I guess." He yawned, "I'll have Kirishima escort you to your dorm." Soon after, he began walking away.

Kirishima took your hand and began walking you towards a tall building, which you assumed were the dorms. As you approached the door, you felt something brush against your leg. Your eyes wandered down and met the eyes of a small, drooling kid. He was moving to get under your skirt, but you quickly shut that down.

A shocked scream leaved your mouth as you lift a foot up without thinking, kicking the tiny thing away from you. He hit the ground with a dazed look, but this creepy grin was still plastered on his face, making you shiver uncomfortably.

A disgusted look etched your friends face, but it quickly disappeared as your turned to him, "Sorry about him Y/n! That's kids Mineta, he's a real perv..." his grin faded once more and he looked down at you with a serious face, "avoid him at all costs" he growled.

As quick as it came, his stern look disappeared, replaced with that same old comforting grin, "well, let's go meet everybody!"


After what seemed like hours of awkward greetings, you were finally escorted to your dorm. All of your boxes were placed in neat stacks on the floor. The only thing decorating the room was a small bed, and a window leading to a balcony.

You sighed and fell onto the bed, feeling it sink underneath your weight. Beside you, a familiar figure sat. Kirishima looked down and poked your forehead once, "hey, get some rest alright? Tomorrows a big day." He stood up and walked to the door, pausing as he reached it, "Y/n?"


"I'm proud of you... and your dad would be too." With that, he was gone. You slowly drifted off into a deep sleep, maybe this will be fun...

:|| WOO! Chapter 1 edited :) I'm so proud of myself, hope you enjoy!! ||:

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