Chapter 1

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Hello I am the Reaper you will learn my name later in the story but I am the reason I lost the one I love...... I will start this story off with me going crazy first......

It was a normal day minus all the murders that have been happening I heard Percy come home but I didn't bother to greet him I sat in our room alone cutting my wrist and licking the blood off humming the song they play at funerals little did I know that Percy recognized the tune from the reports he walked to our room and dropped his bag "so it was you...... Why have you been taking people's lives Reap?" I shrugged and turned to face him still licking the blood off my wrist "it's fun....... I missed that thrill......" I chuckled devilishly "SO YOU TOOK THE INNOCENTS LIVES!?" He yelled and walked over to me pissed "we decided to protect then from the shadows! How did it become this!?" He says "protect people? Why? Nobody's going to risk there lives for us they only hate and fear us so why should we risk our lives for people who don't respect us? I'm tired of being hated for being a hero all my life I've been feared for what I was they called me a monster because I'm a demon so now I'm giving then the monster they want!" I smirk as Percy walks over and slaps me "get out...... You deserve to be called a monster if this is what your doing...... LEAVE OUR FAMILY OUT OF THIS!" He snaps as I stand there slightly shocked holding my cheek where he slapped me then I sigh "you don't deserve me...... I'm too good for you........ But one day you will see that I speak the truth......... That this world doesn't deserve heroes that they disrespect and hate...... Oh and by the way the triple threats only listen to me now your out of the gang bastard" I say then I walk out of the house slamming the door walking to the triple threats hideout going to my room "now it's time to play this game" I smirk then I touch where Percy slapped me and sigh "if only you would understand that what I'm doing is right oh well you will soon...... Just like everyone else..... Soon this world won't have have heroes it'll only have monsters" I sigh walking over to the mirror "everyone hates me are you one o them now Percy? If so..... If you get in my way I won't hesitate and I will crush you even if I love you I can always pull my heart out and become heartless if I have to...... I'll do anything to make those people pay" punches the mirror cutting myself "I'll take this slow don't want to rush into anything I'll make these people fear there surroundings make them think is this the day I die? I'll make then feel how I did!" Punches the mirror again shattering it as some tears fall down my face "nobody will be able to escape....... Not even those people who acted like they cared about me....... Percy will be my last target maybe by then he'll understand....... I should get some rest tomorrow the real fun starts" heals my hand with water bending and lays on my bed falling asleep

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