2:Stand out

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"As student body president, I just wanna say like 'yay' to all of us for a really neat year."Stacey said.

"Yo, Stacey! Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, baby!" A guy said.

(Sorry I forgot his name).

Stacey made an annoyed face but continued with her speech.

"And also that I hope you can all attend my totally amazing end-of-school party next Saturday to watch Powerline concert live on pay-per-view."

Everyone cheered.

"Thank you. Thank you very much. And now, without further ado, Principal Mazur."

Principal Mazur came up on stage making everyone stop cheering.

"Thank you, Stacey. And good morning boys and girls. You know, every year on the last day of school I have several youngsters approach me and say 'Principal Mazur, what can we do to nit waste our summer vacation? We don't want to waste our free time sleeping or visiting friends.'"

Y/n entered the room and Chad went to y/n.

"Say, y/n, about Stacey's party." He said.

Max was looking through the curtains and had a worried look on his face.

"Chad, No, Look,I don't wanna go with you and that is final you've been hitting on me and other girls for this whole year so no."Y/n said.

Chad had a sad and mad face and went back and sat down.

Max closed the curtain and zipped his suit.

"How you uh- How you doin' down there, Bobby?" He asked.

Bobby got up.

"Don't give me that attitude, you guys. I'm doin' it all for you.". Bobby said.

Y/n entered back stage.

"Yo!" Y/n said.

"You came!" Max said.

"Of course can't miss my buddy's confession can I?"

"Yeah..Buddy.." Max said.

"This is nuts I don't know why I let you guys talk me into this. If my dad finds out he is gonna nuke my entire existence. Aah!" P.J fell making y/n and Max help him up.

P.J just chuckled.

"I hope this works." Max said.

"How about science slumber parties?" Principal Mazur said.

The lights went out and Max puts on his Glasses giving a thumbs up to Bobby,P.J,and Y/n and they returned it. Then a blue screen was rising making principal Mazur confused. Y/n pulled the lever making him fall in the trap door. Everyone was confused and Bobby just laughed.


Some people settle
For the typical things

Livin all their lives
waitin' in the wings

Y/n smiled at Max doing his dance moves.

It ain't a question of
It's a matter of time

Before I move to the
front of the line

Once you're watchin'
every move that I make

You gotta believe that
I got what it takes

Max tripped over the wires and y/n covered her mouth. So she went to look and saw him in front of the stage scanning the whole room and y/n gave him a thumbs up. Max smiled and nodded at her. Bobby added smoke.

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