💔🤍𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜- 𝚀𝚞𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚡 𝙺𝚊𝚛𝚕 𝚡 𝚂𝚊𝚙𝚗𝚊𝚙

Start from the beginning

"Hey, kid, get out of here, run to Fundy, go get a cup of tea or something," Quackity said, leaning towards Tubbo and pitting his hands on his shoulders. He didn't know why he was saying it. He didn't know what was happening. Why was Tubbo scared? Why did he have to run? Why is Fundy there? What happened to Karl and Sapnap?

Wait Karl.

He turned around finally, backing away from Tubbo. Karl was no longer sitting on the couch, he was leaning on,,, a desk? What happened to the living room? Why are they here? They were just about to watch a movie, so why is he here? Why is Tubbo here? And why is Karl wearing a suit instead of his hoodie and those blue pajama pants with pink squares on them?

"Hey, look, I-"

"Shut up," Karl said, turning around. But it wasn't Karls beautiful face, the face that has loved him, the face that has made him smile, the face that he kissed with Sapnap so many times. No, it wasn't his. Those eyes weren't his. Those eyes were evil, hurtful, poisonous, dangerous. Those were his eyes.

Schlatt looked at him in his fiance's place. He took a step towards Big Q, a bottle in hand and a cigarette in the other. His jacket was undone, his tie loose and his shirt half way untucked. His hair was messy and his right horn was chipped. His eyes had dark circles around him and his facial hair was wild. He looks awful.

"You disobeyed be, Flatty Patty," Schlatt slurred, taking another drunken step. He dropped his bottle, dark glass exploding on the diorite floors of the white house, barley illuminated by the lantern's fire. Quackity flinched, looking back where Tubbo stood. He was still there, a tear strolling down his cheek as he tried to stand strong.

"Look at you, you made Tubbo cry. Sweet younge Tubbo, crying because of you. You hurt him, Flatty Patty. You did this. It's your fault," Schlatt said, walking past Big Q and wrapping an arm around Tubbo. Tubbo tried to lean away, cringing as the hard scent of alcohol and smoke hit him. Schlatt pinched his cheeks, making his lips puff out.

"Look at him, VP, you're hurting him. You did this. You're hurting him," Schlatt said, digging his claws into Tubbo's cheeks. "Stop, i know i hurt him, just leave him alone, please, he's just a kid," Quackity begged, trying to focus the abuse on him rather than Tubbo.

"So you know your hurting him, but you continue to be a shitty VP and hurt him? All I asked from you was to do one thing for me, and you failed," Schlatt yelled, letting go of Tubbo and going up to Quackity, shoving his finger into his chest.

"You're so fucking annoying, you know that? You're so desperate for attention because you never got it from anyone else, so you try and get it from me, but you don't deserve my fucking attention, you deserve nothing," Schlatt said, shoving him and taking a drag of his cigarette.

Quackity fell back, his palms digging into the glass. He yelled out in pain as shards ripped his skin, blood quickly leaking out. Schlatt crouched down and blew smoke into his crying face. "Ya know, maybe I was wrong. You DO deserve something.


Schlatt grabbed his tie and tightened it, choking the black haired man, and dug his lit cigarette into his cheek, burning his skin and leaving a scar along with the rest littered on his body. He tried to scream, to fight, but he felt lightheaded. No air would escape, no air would come in. He was dying. He was in pain.

Before he knew it, his face was shoved into the glass shardes, cuts scaling his face. He didn't react. Blood was sending pulsing through his scull, it pounding and burning like hot coals were pressed against it. Schlatt was talking, but he couldn't focus. He was about to pass out. He was about to die.

He felt a kick to his ribs as Schlatt yelled, but it was muffled by the pulsing. He was going to die. This was it. His vision was blurry. His eyes were heavy. He felt Schlatt hands leave his head and heard footsteps, followed with a loud door slam.

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