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Author's Note: Please don't be mean to me. Also read at your own risk and know I will almost rarely update.

"What are your objectives for this mission?" a general in his early forties asked. His face was wrinkled and his hairline receded against his tanned skin.
"To kill the target and return to the base," a short, dark girl answered.
"And what do you if detected?"
"Exterminate all witnesses."
"Again, do you understand your mission?"

The girl looked at him through narrowed eyes before going back to checking her knives. He touched her shoulder and when she looked at him, he searched her face.
It had been ten years since they had first met and four years since she started going on missions. She wasn't meant to even start but leaving her out would only serve as a disadvantage.

"I just...don't want you to get hurt Lucille. The person you are going after is an English spy with a record that precedes him,"
"Don't worry; I'll do the job without coming back with a scratch,"


An hour later, she was on top of a warehouse somewhere she won't disclose to us at the moment, geared up and waiting for her target. The warehouse next to hers was bustling with guards but she still was able to remain undetected. She searched for her target through the scope of her sniper rifle. They finally arrived and like always for her, they were a guy in his twenties.

"Why was I expecting a pretty boy? It's rarely a pretty boy," she said to herself.

Another man went up to meet him and seemed to be starting a conversation. It was short for they shook hands were making to go their ways when Lucille took her shot.
She shot the second man before he could call out to one of the guards. She heard someone else call out before bullets came flying in her direction. She shot back and pressed the detonator of the bomb that was planted in the building before retreating off the roof. As she descended the stairs of the building, she placed a finger on her in-ear and said

"I killed my target and I've just bombed the place."
"Alright, a captor should be there in two minutes to collect you."
"So, that gives one minute and fifty-nine seconds to eliminate the remaining witnesses."
"Okay, but good job, Lilith."

A few minutes later, Lucille made her way over to the helicopter. The pilot started speaking,

"How was it, Lilith?"
"Good but this is sadly going to be my last mission. I can't live like this anymore."

He hummed understanding and continued doing his job.


"Tell us about the mission," a blonde, female general in her mid-thirties asked.
The room was a very tidy office. Behind the mahogany desk was a matching bookshelf. The brown walls matched the carpet and we're adorned with plaque achievements and awards.
Another general, General Thompson, and a lieutenant were present and agreed to hear the report from her.
She started relaying the details about her mission making sure to be as thorough as possible.
" How long did it take you to finish the mission?"
"I finished the mission in thirty minutes and thirty-nine seconds, ma'am."
"And what was your casualty count?"
" If the count from the body can is completely accurate, it's fifty-three give or takes a few numbers."
"And this is including the target?"
"Yes, ma'am."

They nodded in understanding and sent her out on her way. Lucille got up and did her salutations before walking out the door. As she started down the hall, she heard General Thompson call out to her.

"Wait, Lucille. I need to give you something."
"Yes, sir."
"Believe it or not, I almost forgot to give you your retirement gift."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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