I was in the Avenger's compound.

What gave it away was all the Avengers staring at me from the shared living room. I recognized them all immediately, the black widow was sitting on the couch, relaxed and comfortable in her casual clothes, a book in her lap, a surprised, but amused smile on her face. Hawkeye and Falcon were standing near the large pool table at the back of the room, pool sticks in their hands, large teasing smiles on both their faces. I had a feeling that...what did Captain America call him? 'Bucky' would be getting teased about this as soon as he awoke from his alcohol induced coma.

"Oh my god it's the Avengers," I blurted before I could stop myself. My face flushed with embarrassment.

A few 'hi's' rang out although I wasn't sure from who. I was too busy dying of embarrassment.

"Uh...nice to uh..meet all of you...h-have a good day," I stuttered, avoiding their amused looks and turning on my heel and walking as fast as I could without running to the elevator doors.

I reached the elevator, pushing the button repeatedly until there was the familiar sound of a ding that sent a wave of relief through me. Then the doors opened and I was staring at a surprised Tony Stark.

Oh dear god it's Iron Man .

The surprise quickly left his face and was replaced with a sly smile, his eyes surveying me with a slow appraisal. He reached out to hold the elevator door open, stepping back to let me in.

"Hello there, which Avenger did you...visit?" He asked with a knowing look, stepping out of the elevator, still not removing his hand, keeping the doors from closing.


"Umm? Wasn't aware we had an Avenger named 'Umm'," Stark chuckled, clearly amused by my embarrassment.

"Bucky?" That sounds like a question, Jade . I cleared my throat and spoke again. "I was here with Bucky."

Stark's face fell. "Manchurian Candidate? You were here with him?"

I felt an eyebrow raise. Manchurian Candidate?

"Tony leave her alone," came a voice from behind him. "I'm sure she wasn't expecting to meet the whole team this morning."

It was the black widow and I wanted to hug her. Yes, please, let the damn doors close. So I can go die of embarrassment in a cab .

Tony scoffed. "This isn't the whole team. Thor and Bruce aren't here. Plus, I am just wondering how a beautiful girl like her is doing the walk of shame away from Barnes' room," he replied in disbelief.

The black widow approached, removing Tony's arm from the doors herself, offering me a friendly smile. "Excuse the men here. Some of them have no home training or manners apparently," she shot Tony a glare. "It was nice to meet you, Jade. You have a good day too," she finished with a wink.

The elevator doors started to close, much to my relief and the last thing I heard from Tony Stark was, "Excuse me Natasha, I am very well trained."


I am never going drinking with Thor again.

My head was killing me and I was certain death was on its way to take me. Groaning and cursing under my breath, I rolled over in bed, instantly regretting doing so as pain shot through my skull. There was no way I was removing myself from my bed any time soon. Pulling my pillow from behind my head I put it over my face, blocking my eyes from the bright light threatening to drag me completely from unconsciousness before I was damn good and ready.

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