Wrong Number Kid // Part 1

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Happy dayssss I've been thinking about doing this for a long time.

Also, deca-ha mentioned about my field trip story, i think I'm gonna edit it and then write a second part cause its kinda crap. So I'll tell you when I've edited it so you can go back and read it. Anywaysss on with the story!

Peter: Ned

Peter: Ned

Peter: Ned

Peter: This really isn't a good time to ignore me Neddd

Peter: I got in some trouble....

?????: what trouble?

Peter: Finally! Anyways there was this mugging and i was like heyyy and they were like grrr and i stopped them but they shot me.

?????: You've been shot?!

Peter: Yes, and i know you told me to be careful but the man was my school teacher and i couldn't just stand there!

?????: I'm worried.

Peter: Come on Ned! This is only the 8th time. I'll be more careful next time 😒

?????: First of all, 8 times?!

?????: And second, I'm not Ned.

Peter: Uhhh......What?

?????: Do you need help? Why are you asking your friend? You should call an ambulance!!!


?????: who is Ned? Why were you involved with a mugging? How did you get this number?

Peter: ................

?????: Like seriously though, how did you break all my firewalls?

Peter: I thought Ned just made it secure......

?????: Wtf???!!!

Peter: ............

?????: .............

Peter: So um...... Know anything about treating gunshot wounds?


see ya next week.

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