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𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑳𝑰𝑳𝒀 𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑪𝑰𝑨 𝑴𝑨𝒀𝑩𝑨𝑵𝑲 was not even born, she fought with JJ. Back then, they were spermcells of course, but that didn't mean they would get along. A couple weeks later, in the egg, Lily was close to eating up JJ - twice. The tension that night was almost as spicy as it when Lily found Rafe jerking of, eleven years later.

Just kidding, but the moral of the story is that the two rarely got along. As JJ had a leo rising and aries moon, he had some kind of obsession with starting unnecessary drama, just for fun. Especially with Lily. This drove her crazy. They rarely fought about bigger topics though. It was always about who would have shot gun in the van or who would get to sleep in the bed at John B's. Lately, the most common topic was the insanely dumb decisions both of the twins constantly made.

However, this night in particular, it was different. The anger was now one sided. As JJ stared out the van's window, he debated in his head if he was most mad at Rafe, Lily or the Drugger. He decided the drugger.

But JJ wasn't even close to being fine with Lily. He obviously wasn't mad at her for being drugged, cause he didn't consider it to be her fault, at least that's what Kie told him. However, it was a rather dumb decision to take a drink from a stranger, which he, for the record, knew he had teached her. Even going to the party in the first place was a big mistake. But the one thing he was mad at her the most of was going out with Rafe and not telling him. It was understandable that Lily was afraid JJ wasn't going to approve of Rafe, and maybe react badly, but it would have been so much better than finding out through Kiara. Now JJ felt betrayed and hurt, by his first- and best friend.

"Hey JJ?" Kiara said from the backseat. The first three minutes of the drive had been completely quiet.

"What?" JJ mumbled, trying not to take out his anger on his friends, although Kiara wasn't on his happy-list right now either.

"When we get there, can you promise to like not..beat anyone down? I know you're probably angry and you have all right to be but please be chill." The girl told JJ gently, while looking at him with anxious eyes.

"I'll try my fucking best, Kiara." JJ mumbled somehow aggressively. He was still mumbling, but the words came out with force instead of usual mumbles. Kiara bit her lip and sat down again, hoping for the best.

"Is it just me who's in shock from the fact that Rafe and Lily is dating? Like imgagine our Lily with Rafe? I really didn't think he was even her type. From my perspective, he's a snobby, stuck up, bitch. I wonder what she sees in him. It's gotta be the dick, right? I bet it's like ten-"

"Enough, John B." JJ interrupted John B's gabble. Once again JJ had broke out of his usually un-serious character. If this would have been any other serious situation, JJ would have been the one cracking jokes. Just not when it comes to his family. His only family.

Interrupting his thought, the van came to a sudden stop.

"Maybe only two of us should go inside?" Pope asked the group.

"Doesn't matter." JJ stated, opening the car door and stepping out. His jaw was already clenched, as if he was already planning on putting up for a fight.

"I'll come too. Someone's gotta make sure he doesn't kill anyone." John B told Pope and Kiara, leaving them alone in the old van.


JJ sighed after having to lightly shove away a drunk girl who had tried to get him to carry her. He was pissed. Some party music, probably played by a live DJ or atleast some really expensive speakers, made it nearly impossible for the two pogues to speak to each other.

"Fuck- where's she?" JJ shouted to John B, searching through the room. It was really crowded, but JJ would know if his sister was there somewhere, and she wasn't.

"Let's go upstairs." John B answered, squeezing himself between the partying teenagers to get to the stairs as JJ follow.

After passing two rooms where couples where literally fucking with an open door, the two Pogues arrived to a living room. At a coffe table, a group was snorting lines of white powder, one of them surprisingly being Topper Thornton, the golden boy. John B saw Sarah Cameron standing a bit further , reading of her phone intensively.

"Sarah! Is Lily okay? Do you know where she is?" John B said, making her look up from her phone.

"She's in Rafe's room, she's barely conscious. Rafe think it was benzo, and she should be alright tomorrow." Sarah told them as she pointed towards a closed door on her right. The boys nodded and made their way over to the door. Lily looked like she was asleep as she was laying down in Rafe's couch, eyes closed but visibly breathing. Right next to the couch, Rafe was sat on the bed. His facial expression was unusual and almost sad. As he saw the two boys entering the room, his mouth fell open, ready to defend himself.

"I- I swear I didn't do it, I would never!"

"Who fucking did it then?" JJ yelled as Rafe stood up and the two Pogues ran forward to the girl.

"I don't know! I made him leave." Rafe answered, watching JJ clench both his fists and jaw. Instead of saying anything, JJ helped John B lifting up his sister.

"JJ?" She slurred, eyes still shut. JJs face softened up at her voice.

"You're going to be fine. We're going home now." JJ said to Lily before turning around and glaring at Rafe, "I never want to fucking see you again, understand?"

And with that, they left Rafe to spend an entire week overthinking the decisions that night.

╚»★«╝ AUTHURS NOTE ╚»★«╝

I am fully aware this chapter sucks and you are probably regretting even spending your time to read it right now- because same.

anyways, i also know this book is very unrealistic lol, and i have no idea what benzo is, but Tessa in After 3 apparently got drugged with benzo so I guess it's possible.

next chapter will contain apologies and a rafe+lily scene yeyy.

stay swag.

/linzie <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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