Chapter 5: Manhunt

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~Y/N's POV~

It's been almost a week since that stream. The stream where you and Dream had been playing on your survival world. The stream that started the flood of fanart that you've been getting. The very stream that started the hate you had started receiving recently. The stream that encouraged the shippers, even though nothing had been confirmed..
At least you were ready for the event of today. You had been training hard with Dream, devising strategies and plans for this as well as heavily improving your PvP and Parkour skills.
You were ready for the manhunt.
Everyone was standing in an open plains, you and Dream surrounded by his friends, George, BadBoyHalo, Sapnap, and Antfrost. Dream had introduced you to them a little while ago and you got along pretty well with them. Now you two were sitting, pretending to be afk while you waited for the boys around you to look away from their screens. When you felt the coast was clear, you both sprinted to the forest and crouched down a good ways in the trees so you wouldn't be quickly spotted as you two started gathering wood.

"They're gone!" Bad yelled as he looked back at his screen, looking around for where they went as the others game back and they all started running towards the forest, having seen the advancements in the chat.
When the hunters started coming, you and Dream immediately dropped whatever tree you were punching and ran way from them, heading to the ocean on the other side of the forest.

"I see them! I see them!" Sapnap yelled and you went F5, and sure enough, Sapnap was in view.

"Can't catch us!" You taunted, hopping in the boat Dream had placed in the ocean and speeding off with a dolphin.

"THEY'RE GETTING AWAY!!" Sapnap screeched and started punching the nearest tree to him, trying to get a boat to follow you, but you were out of sight within seconds.
Dream brought you guys around the ocean, looting any sunken ships you found and breaking your boat and digging under one of them when you felt you were far enough away. Using a door to breath as you dug down under the wood of the ship, breaking the door and replacing the wood when you were in the hole. You crouched as Dream dug out a tunnel into an open cave, you crafted up a couple iron pickaxes from the iron you got from the shipwrecks.
The two of you went mining for a while, managing to find diamonds pretty quickly as you started strip mining, which allowed you to find even more diamonds, though the hunters didn't know due to the one you had found in a shipwreck a little while ago. They had asked how many and you simply said one.
You looked at chat and noticed the the hunters had gained iron. 'They're resource gathering..' you thought as you found another pod of diamonds and met back up with Dream, sorting out your inventories and crafting some things while Dream spammed the chat so that you could hide the achievements for getting diamond armor and gear. It wasn't much, but it was enough, each of you dawning chestplates and boots along with axes and pickaxes. You guys found a lava pool and built your portal, hiding it with Granite and such before entering the Nether.

Dream has made the advancement [We Need to go Deeper]

Y/U/N has made the advancement [We Need to go Deeper]

"THEY'RE IN THE NETHER!" Bad yelled as Dream went to find the fortress to get blaze rids while you traded with piglins and hunted down Endermen in the warped forest for pearls. You got a couple fire resistance potions and some obsidian from the piglins. Throwing out some things you didn't need, and organizing your inventory, you joined Dream at the fortress and helped him get the rest of the blaze rods as some achievements popped up in the chat;

GeorgeNotFound has made the advancement [We need to go Deeper]

Sapnap has made the advancement [We need to go Deeper]

BadBoyHalo has made the advancement [We need to go Deeper]

Antfrost has made the advancement [We Need to go Deeper]

"They're here!" You squeaked, crouching down so it wouldn't be as easy for them to find you but Dream didn't, getting the final end rod you needed and sprinting toward the netherack walls, you were quick to follow as he dug into the walls and you replaced the blocks behind you guys, he staircased slowly up to just below the top of the nether and used a ladder and one of the extra pearls to get to the top of the Nether, you followed behind him and the two of you ran quite a long distance over the Nether roof before building a second portal with the obsidian you gathered from the piglins. Lighting it, you two went through.

"They came this way, I found the piglins Y/U/N was trading with and there's cobblestone leading this way." Bad said and the others followed him, little did they know that you two weren't in the Nether anymore.

"Dream they're coming!" You squeaked, stifling back your giggles and Dream held his back as well before throwing an eye of ender.
You guys followed the direction it went for a while before throwing another one, following them until you found the second stronghold.

Dream has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

Y/U/N has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

"THEY'RE IN THE STRONGHOLD!!" George shrieked, following their own eyes to find the fortress as you and Dream walked around the fortress in search of the portal room. The fortress was absolutely massive and you kept getting turned around, so it took you a while.

GeorgeNotFound has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

Sapnap has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

Antfrost has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

BadBoyHalo has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

"They're here!" You squeaked, again stifling back laughter as they were at the wrong fortress, which they realized after a while.

"They went to the second stronghold.." Sapnap said softly when realization hit.

"Well we can still beat them to the End." Bad suggested

And with that you and Dream split up to try and cover more ground of the stronghold. But right as you both found the portal room;

BadBoyHalo has made the advancement [The End?]

GeorgeNotFound has made the advancement [The End?]

Antfrost has made the advancement [The End?]

Sapnap has made the advancement [The End?]

"What do we do now?" You whispered to Dream in chat as he pondered for a moment, they would definitely be trapping the End spawn, how would you be able to survive them?

(A/N: 1162 words! I think this my longest chapter so far owo (Without this A/N) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and sorry if there wasn't enough conflict or meeting between you guys and the hunters, if needed I can remake the chapter to where you encounter them more but I'll leave it up to you guys, so vote below:

Yes, encounter the Hunters more


No, keep it how it is

If you're enjoying the story so far, don't forget to vote for chapters! It's free, and you can always take it back. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll catch you all in the next one! ✌💞)
(1283 words with the A/N)

The Speedrunner and the Builder {A Dream x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now