✰Chapter 1✰

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"Having destroyed the final piece of evidence, they left the area with, I imagine, a sigh of relief. But there was one thing they missed... Part of the shirt they'd thrown into the fire burnt away and fell out of the incinerator. The killer didn't notice this, and so left behind a piece of indisputable evidence..."

"Isn't that right, Leon?" Kyoko Kirigiri shouted, pointing her finger at the red-haired baseball star. His eyes widened as he realized that he'd been caught. She tried to drown out his frantic yelling of I thought Sayaka was in that bathroom, not Naegi, I didn't mean to, it was an accident, it doesn't count, you're all stupid stupid stupid, but her head was full of thoughts about Maizono's murder attempt, Kuwata's mistake, and Makoto... dearest Makoto, the first victim of this horrible nightmare.

Monokuma dragged Leon off to his execution, and Kirigiri looked on, face blank, as she watched him get pummeled by a thousand baseballs. She felt a slight tugging at her heart, as though her hope to escape was slowly slipping away, but pushed the feeling down. It was essential that a detective never showed emotion. That was what her grandfather said. And her grandfather was always right.

"Well, that's that, then!" Maizono clasped her hands together and smiled. "The first murder solved, thanks to the beloved detective! Not quite as I had planned, but..."

Kyoko turned to Maizono and narrowed her eyes. "You killed him. You killed both of them." 

"But Kirigiri, what was I supposed to do? How about this! Before we go see the newly unlocked rooms, I give you permission to take a look at my motive video. Just a peek! So you understand why I did what I did." Maizono smiled, but Kyoko saw behind her front. 

This girl is more dangerous than I gave her credit for... she thought to herself. However, there are more pressing issues right now. She turned and walked out of the trial room, with the others following her, until there was only Maizono.

"Hurry up, pop princess! We don't have all day!" Monokuma yelled. Maizono shrugged and skipped into the elevator, where everyone gave her a wide berth. 

"So this is what it feels like to be hated..? Hm. I like it. It gives me despair..." 

"Maizono. Please be quiet." Kyoko rolled her eyes slightly, and said no more after that.


"Oh! Kirigiri-san! Can I ask you something?" Kiyotaka Ishimaru ran up to Kyoko. This was unexpected... Ishimaru didn't usually interact with her too often. She decided to humor him.

"What is it, Ishimaru?"

"Ah, I know it's a strange request... but could you keep an eye on Maizono-chan for me?" That wasn't much of a surprise. "I'm worried she may try to hurt her fellow students again! And, I'll be honest..." he lowered his voice. "You're one of the only people I can really trust here." He straightened up and returned to his normal (loud) volume. "So, will you accept my request?"

Kyoko smiled and nodded slightly. "Sure. I was thinking of watching her anyway... I know she's up to something. That reminds me, I still need to go to the AV room and watch her motive video. Would you like to accompany me?"

Ishimaru put his hand on his chin, thinking for a bit, before nodding his head. "I think sticking together is the right course of action! Very smart, Kirigiri-san! Let's go!"

Kyoko beckoned for him to follow her through the halls, and as they reached the AV room, the two saw Monokuma standing by the door. Kyoko sighed. Of course, the bear likely wouldn't want others to see a student's motive video... she thought to herself.

"Hey! What are you two doing here?" Monokuma asked as he saw them walking up to the door. "Are you two a couple? Ooh, do you wanna watch a romantic movie together? Hehe~ I'll put one on right now!" He grinned and scurried inside. Ishimaru turned red. 

"I'm sure the bear knows why we're here... he's probably joking. I am not interested in you romantically,  Ishimaru, and I'm sure you don't like me in that way either. That being said, this may be the only way we get a good look at Maizono's video..." Ah, what to do? I see 3 viable options here... play along, tell the truth to Monokuma, or give up. Hm. "So let's play along. How does that sound?"

"F-fine with me! As long as you do not require me to do any activities that are not school-sanctioned!" Ishimaru stuttered out.

It's only until Monokuma leaves us alone... don't get the wrong idea. Before Kyoko could say any more, the door opened up and Monokuma stepped out. He looked very sullen. "Puhuhu... Miss Maizono says you two are only here to look at her Motivational DVD... I suppose I'll have to wait a little longer for love to blossom. Oh well..."

"Wait, Maizono..? When did she tell you?" Kyoko asked. She wasn't with us... was she already in the AV room? 

"Hello, Kirigiri! And Ishimaru, I didn't expect you! Yes, I was already here, waiting for you. I even put the DVD in! Come in, sit down!" Monokuma trudged away as Maizono revealed herself from behind the door and gestured towards a lit-up computer screen. Hesitantly, Kyoko sat down in front of it, and Ishimaru leaned down to see the screen better. Maizono eagerly pressed play, and the video started rolling.

Sayaka was standing on a stage, with her idol group performing on stage with her. The scene shifted to show the group unconscious (or dead) on the stage, with Monokuma's face on the monitor behind them.

Ishimaru looked shocked, while Kyoko just felt confused. That was it? That was the reason Maizono had decided to kill Kuwata and frame her only friend in this place? Well, Kyoko likely didn't understand the whole thing. She wasn't in the band, or friends with these girls. Maizono was probably worried sick about them. She had to care a lot if she was willing to murder to escape and find them.

"Maizono-chan... I am truly sorry! You have my condolences!" Ishimaru shouted. Maizono giggled. 

"Please, both of you, just call me Sayaka. It's much easier." Maizono- no, Sayaka, smiled, and took the DVD out. "I'm glad you care, Taka. What about you, Kirigiri? What do you think?"

Kyoko sighed and got up. "I don't... fully understand why this drove you to killing. I'm sure there's more going on behind the scenes I just can't see, but... that was a ridiculous reason to murder someone, Sayaka." She kept her face cold. That came out... unnecessarily harsh, she thought to herself.

Sayaka didn't seem fazed by this at all. She smiled wider and clasped her hands together. "Well, you have to do what you have to do. See you, you two!" She left the room, and Ishimaru followed soon after. Kyoko sat in silence, contemplating everything. 

Sayaka Maizono... you are the one person I thought would be easy, but you're quite the puzzle. I look forward to what you'll do.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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