chapter twenty-four

Start from the beginning

"Smoke, rain, and Bruno," I shrugged.

"That's all?" He asked, a little disappointed.

My ears turned warm. "I mean, I'm sure there's more but it's too far," I paused, knowing there was at least one more fragrance from two years ago that I should've smelled. "How about you?"

"Treacle tart and this wood scent, like a broomstick," Harry said thoughtfully. "And I think this type of flower too," he pondered. "Maybe from the burrow?"

"That's all?" I raised my brow at him.

"Mm," he fake wondered before mocking me. "I'm sure there's more but It's too far."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes as I snorted, giving my attention back to Slughorn.

"Alright," Slughorn clapped cheerfully as he looked around. "Can I have some volunteers?"

The class stayed silent, trying to avoid as much work as possible. The only one who raised their hand was Neville, making me feel slightly bad.

       Should I?


       Well, Slughorn looks so hopeful and-



"Screw it," I sighed, standing up and walking to the front of the class with Neville, forcing Harry to come with me.

"Ah, as expected," Slughorn cheered happily as he looked around for longer. "Three more!"

"Why not," Ron stood up, causing Hermione to raise her eyebrows at him while Harry and I grinned, motioning him to come to us excitedly, high fiving him. "I have a dictionary for a girlfriend, might as well use what I've learned to my advantage."

I snorted at that again.

Wow, I'm snorting a lot today — Oink oink.

...De ja vu.

"How about you Miss Parkinson?" Slughorn called out to the group of Slytherins, noticing Draco not paying attention. "And you Mr. Malfoy?"

"What?" Draco responded, snapping out of his daze.

       "Will you come up here please?" Slughorn repeated as Pansy walked up next to me obediently, somewhat unlike of her to do.

       "I don't have to answer to you," Draco barked at him.

       Damn, just do it.

       The bright expression left Slughorn's face, forming a frown. "I'd like everyone in my class to participate Mr. Malfoy, let's not repeat this again," he said sternly. "Now, if you please?"

      "Fine," Draco scoffed bitterly as he stood up abruptly, carelessly walking to the front with the rest of us.

      "Now, write down the scents you smell," Slughorn instructed as he passed us each a piece of paper, along with an ink and quill as he opened the lid of the caldron again.





      A smile formed on my face from relief as I began to write, smelling the one thing that I knew was left behind earlier.

     Yeah, I'll always love her.

     As everyone beside me began to pass their finished papers to Slughorn, a new fragrance hit me, not noticing it before since I've gotten used to being around it so often.

After Saving Draco [ONGOING / REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now