chapter six

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Tala. 214 days before May 4, 1999.

Draco was different now, it was like he was taking steps backwards.

He's been so distant and prefers going off with his friends, I don't even know what's going through his mind anymore. It was so much easier back then, even if we wouldn't see each other for weeks I'd know how he was doing from his journal.

But I don't have that advantage anymore.

The last few weeks, I've been trying to get used to having so many classes and try to catch up with everyone else. On top of that, I've been trying to figure out how to prevent myself from literally ceasing to exist once May comes. And it doesn't help how stubborn Draco's been during our lessons — and how I've had to stop him and his friends from picking on younger kids everyday for the last three weeks. He was doing so well and he used to be so sweet to me when we're alone, what's changing?

I felt overwhelmed, admittedly.

There was no one to talk to but Harry, everyone else was busy with their boyfriends and girlfriends that Harry and I were left to fend for ourselves again. But I didn't blame them, I knew exactly what being in the honeymoon stage had felt like. And besides, they deserve acting like actual teenagers rather than fighting off a Dark Lord for once.

But because of everything, Harry and I would keep each other company during classes, when we'd do research in the library, and I even started eating most of my meals with him. And at night, we'd sneak out sometimes and cry out to the stars, laugh together and release our frustrations beside each other.

     Yeah, I started crying more — Harry being there helped a lot, I don't feel that impatient anymore.

      It felt nice.

Today was the first day of Quidditch practice, the first game was coming up next month and it would fall two days before my birthday. Surprisingly, even Neville tried out for the team and now he, Ron, and Harry were all playing for Gryffindor. So while Hermione and Luna watched and supported their boyfriends, I stayed and cheered for Harry.

     He was my bestfriend at the moment.

I never realized how good at Quidditch he actually was, especially after finally understanding how the game worked now — doink, I still feel like an idiot for cheering when Slytherin lost. Harry has even taken me out for flying lessons sometimes at the pitch, the only other time I used one was when Draco taught me at the beginning of Year 6 — that was such a long time ago.

So as we watched practice, I would notice little things that Harry did as he played. He was quick as the seeker, but he was also cunning and clever by switching directions quickly to mess with his opponents, whenever he'd practice as a different position — like a true Slytherin. And when sweat would trickle down from his black hair and onto his scar, he'd always use his left arm to wipe off his forehead.

He was too far and the sun would shine glares onto his glasses, but when his head was towards our direction he would flash us a smile. And I would always smile back, knowing that his bright blue eyes met my dark ones even though I couldn't see them.

After practice, Hermione and I went ahead and left first for another S.P.E.W. meeting while Luna stayed behind to greet Neville. And as we walked through the first floor corridors, we found Draco and his friends picking on a Gryffindor quidditch player, making me sigh.

     I was getting tired of seeing this scenario as the way I'd see him for the first time everyday.

     Everyday for the last three weeks, it's ridiculous.

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