chapter twenty-four

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Tala. 106 days before May 4, 1999.

      "Alright class, settle down," Slughorn said as he began writing on the chalkboard. "With the N.E.W.T. exams coming up in just a few months, all classes will be doing a bit of reviewing from now on."

The whole class groaned, everyone still a little hungover from last night.

I studied the room a bit from the back table, noticing that most people had their heads down, some Ravenclaw and Slytherin girls complaining about their headaches, a group of Hufflepuff guys suggesting remedies for them.

Awe, Hufflepuffs are the sweetest.

As much as I tried not to, I couldn't help but sneak a few glances at Draco. He hadn't looked my way once, even from the moment I entered the class with my friends, despite whispers and rumors emerging at the sight of me because of last night. I could tell he was avoiding me, making me feel slightly uneasy.

Should I feel bad?

I gave him too many chances to be better, because he wanted to — for himself, for us. And I was way too lenient even when he called Hermione by that name, babying him way too much with lessons and beliefs that he should've already known.

But it was okay because I understood.

Even when it hurt me, even when he did.

He was raised to be prejudiced, to be cruel.

Even though he really isn't, which is why it's so frustrating to see him act this way.

But he isn't trying anymore, and he knows that.

And so he used me.

"I'm trying to try Tiny, isn't that enough?"

So no, I guess I don't.


I don't feel bad.

"Now," Slughorn started as he walked away from the chalkboard, revealing the written words as he lifted a caldron's lid, letting it's fragrances fill the room. "I'm sure you're all quite familiar with this—"

I began to tune him out as I read the words on the board, not even needing to read it to know what the lesson was gonna be about. The varieties of familiar and comforting scents filling my nostrils was more than enough to let me know.


I groaned in annoyance at that, causing Slughorn to smile at me amusingly.

"Miss Blackwell, I'm sure you find the irony in your reaction," he chuckled. "It's a love potion, not a hate one."


"Can we learn about that instead?" I joked pathetically as I rest my cheek on my palm, leaning forward on the desk as Ron and Hermione snorted across from me, Harry giving me a curious look as he sat beside me.

"In due time," Slughorn smiled. "Just be patient."


"This is my worst nightmare," I joked quietly to myself, whining as Ron and Hermione chuckled again.

As Slughorn continued with the lesson, Harry bumped our arms together playfully, wanting my attention.

"Hm?" I turned to him, still lazily resting my face on my palm.

"What do you smell in Amortentia at the moment?" Harry asked curiously, causing Draco's head to shift a bit, still not looking at me.

I inhaled deeply at his words, trying to get a good whiff but the caldron was too far away, only catching the faint scents of smoke from New York, water on asphalt as it fell from evergreen trees, and Bruno's fur — just like what I first smelled in Amortentia two years ago.

After Saving Draco [ONGOING / REWRITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora