“Seriously” I tell myself “Who the frick does this?”

 I sit on the lonesome bench by the fountain and watch all the happy people as they come and go. I probably look stupid; all dressed up and sitting by myself.

My phone screen lights up and says that I have a new message from Dave.

You seriously look so damn gorgeous right now.

I look up, and there he is. Handsome, and as always, smiling. I get up and run into his arms.

 “You!” I giggle “You did this! Why?”

“It occured to me that we hadn’t gone on our first date and I wanted to make it happen.” He says “I saw you get out of the car and I swear my heart stopped. You’re the most beautiful girl, Alexandria.”

I place my hands on each side of his face and kiss him “I love you. You’re perfect.”

 “I could say the same thing about you.”

 He suddenly picks me up and spins me around, making me squeal and laugh like a maniac.

“Come on, beautiful. Let’s go have dinner.”

He grabs my hand and we start walking to the far end of the square. He tells me about how he came across the restaraunt that we’re going to and how great their food is.

My stomach flips; I know exactly where he’s taking me.


God help me.

Bennett and I used to come here all the time. And if the staff recognizes me, this date is screwed.


“So, what do you think?”

“It’s great, Dave. I like it.” I smile, trying not to be too obvious.

“Me too. This is probably the best italian food i’ve ever had.”

We spend the rest of the night talking about the bands tour plans for the rest of the year. I honestly love how his eyes light up whenever he talks about it. He really does love his job.

 Right when we get up to leave, there’s a loud shriek and I know that this night isn’t going to end the way we both thought it would.

“It’s really you. Marco told me you were here but I had such doubt.”

“Hi Luci. Been a while, huh?”

“Alexandria, young lady you scared the life out of me. Don’t you ever disappear again!” She admonishes me, but pulls me in for a hug.

 “I don’t plan on it” I tell her kindly.

“You haven’t changed at all honey. You’re just as beautiful as I remember!” She cries “I remember the first time you came in here. How’s Bennett doing? He stopped coming here after you left.”

I look over at Dave and he’s gone from looking curious, to looking utterly upset.

“He’s home. With his girlfriend. Luci, i’d love to stay and talk but I kind of have to go.”

“Sorry sweetie. It’s just good to see you again. Stop by soon, okay?”

I smile and give her a hug before returning to Daves side and walking out of the restaurant.

 “I’m sorry.” I tell him once we’re outside “I wanted to tell you but you were so excited and smiling all big and I just didnt want to rain on your parade.”

 He nods. He’s not going to talk to me.

I stand in front of him and hug him “I love you. I’m sorry that the past keeps getting in the way of things but I could be anywhere in the world right now, and i’m here with you. I like being with you.”

“Do you really?”

“Yes! How could you doubt me? I hardly get to see you because youre gone all the time and the time that I do get to spend with you is always amazing. And if you could just stop being grumpy and love me, that would be wonderful!”

“Did you atleast have a good time?” “I always do.” Just as he leans down to kiss me, someone calls my name.

“Lex is that you?”

I turn around to see who it is and it's none other than my old best friend.


Updated sooner than expected? Yes, no, maybe? (usually takes me a month so i'd say yes, lol) Anyway, hope you guys like this one! I'll try to write the next one very fast because hello, new person coming in and you need to know who she is! :D Bye guys, until the next one! -NightmaresScare 

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