The Ginyu Force/Goki finally arrives on Namek

Start from the beginning

Gohan: N-No! She isn't...

(Y/N): Oh I see. That's a real shame... Once I get my wish and beat Frieza, I'll let you all live to get on her good side. And when you get back to Earth tell her something for me... The next time we meet I'm gonna make sure to "finish" what we started.

*(Y/N) leaves and heads to the Namekian Village*

Gohan: *Sighs* That was close...

*Gohan grabs the Dragon Ball and continues to head back with Krillin and Bulma*

*After a few minutes he finally arrives*

Gohan: Guys!

Krillin: Gohan!

Gohan: You guys... I think we should find a new location.

Krillin: Why? What's wrong with this place?

Gohan: Because we have 10 minutes before (Y/N) finds out that I just stole this.

*Gohan gives the Dragon Ball to Krillin*

Krillin: Uh-! Ahh-!


*(Y/N) starts diving in the lake looking for the Dragon Ball*

(Y/N): (God, I love it when a plan comes together! Took some time, effort and lots of bodies, but now it's mine. Immortality is my BITCH! Now it should be right here. Riight here... Where the hell is it? Why isn't it here?! i don't get it! Who could've--.)

*(Y/N) remembers that Gohan was near this area and the "watch" he was holding*

(Y/N): The device he was holding... That wasn't a watch! Damn that little maggot! He took what is rightfully mine and will pay for this!

*(Y/N) starts flying at maximum speed towards the cave*

*When (Y/N) arrives he realizes they're not there anymore*

(Y/N): Noooo! They're gone! Those damn Earthlings! They have no idea who they're messing with! It's only a matter of time before they come after the six Dragon Balls I have at my disposal... And when they do, I'll make them regret ever having crossed with me!


*In order to avoid (Y/N)'s wrath, the trio had to find a new place to hide. Krillin then decided to make his way back to Guru with Gohan in tow.*

Krillin: (Y/N) seems like he's now a lot stronger than he was on Earth...  Even if the two of us teamed up against him, we still wouldn't stand a chance... Gohan, Super Kami Guru might be able to boost your power by touching you! To rival even (Y/N)'s!

Gohan: W-What?

Krillin: Yeah! Let's hurry to his place, stat!

Bulma: Oh no, no no NO! I am not letting you abandon me here again!

Krillin: Bulma you're right. You have been *very* helpful and *very* patient with us. So, in return... We're letting you watch the Dragon Ball. Bye!

*Krillin and Gohan start to fly to Guru's place*



*Time skip*

Gohan: Is that it, Krillin?

Krillin: Yeah that's where-

*Krillin stops when he feels someone approaching*

Krillin: G-Gohan! I'm sensing some power!

Gohan: Yeah, I feel it too... It's (Y/N)!

Krillin: Gohan, I'm gonna buy us some time! You hurry on to Guru's place!

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