The start of a new life in the city willowbrook

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Today me and my family are going to explore the beautiful landmarks in willow brook   Wisconsin I fear that I will have a run in with the creature known as slender man I hope I don't my parents will get very worried if I were to have a seizure which is not in my medical records I don't want my family knowing what is happening to me or they may get worried this is the beginning of the story scarlet reaper today we are going out to a  theme park and then to red river creek and from what I heard red river creek is the go too place around this time of year and my parents are allowing me to go into the woods alone my brothers are staying with my dad did say to stay on the trail and don't stray from it a lot of kids have gone missing in these woods since we moved here as I wave bye to my mom and dad and brothers they told me to hike to red river creek by myself   And They will meet me there as I walked the trail i saw a teenage boy with a white hoodie walking threw the trees and it looked like he carried a knife with him but I couldn't even tell I didn't only see the boy with the white hoodie I also saw a boy with a brown jacket with a blue hood and a glasses and he also had a mask but upon his back it looked like he was carrying two hatchets or axes but I ignored them as I kept hiking but they seemed to be fallowing me everywhere I go I was not sure what to do  I did hear  the boy in the white hoodie speak to the other I barely could hear him  are you sure this is the one the boss wants the other curtly nodded to the one in the white hoodie I new that I had to take off and run for it I took off like I was running away from a bear they gave chase they were both fast as I was running I started hearing the static noise that I heard and I ended up coughing blood and collapsing as the sound got closer to me I went into a sezure and collapsed as I was blacking out the two I saw walked up the one in the white hood walked and whispered you can't out run us or the boss my name is jeff the killer and another thing go to sleep when you wake my partner will introduce himself and don't worry you will be safer with us and we will tell you what happened to your family once we are safe as with those final words I blacked out completely as they picked me up and carried me away and brought me to slender manor they did chain me up to keep  themselves safe I started to wake up where am I as I look around as I see the boy in the white hoodie and the other one with the hatchets Or axes nearby as the boy in the white hoodie walks over to me as you already know I'm Jeff the killer and my partner will introduce himself the boy with the axes walks over I'm ticci Toby our boss has had his eyes on you for quite some time and we are sad to tell you your family died on the way up to red river creek from a semi truck your the only survivor of the scarlet family Wait What are you saying my mom my dad and my twin brothers are all dead as she screams to the heavens and breaks down crying ticci Toby walks closer to me you will be safer with us and our boss you have a killers instinct the boss observed you and watched you kill someone when you we protecting your twin brothers but you don't remember anything about killing that person ticci Toby that's correct your family is dead you have a strange power that our boss wants to make you a proxy   That's why we kidnapped you.

Today me and my family are going to explore the beautiful landmarks in willow brook   Wisconsin I fear that I will have a run in with the creature known as slender man I hope I don't my parents will get very worried if I were to have a seizure whi...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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