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Everything is perfectly fine with the new mates

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Everything is perfectly fine with the new mates..after the love confession..he and Jennie spent their night cuddled up in his (JK's ) house..

he even introduced Jennie to his parents who where little surprised by their cold son..but welcomed her with open heart..they loved this sassy omega who stole their heats in their first meeting just like jungkook's..

Everything went fast in Jennie's life..she found her new home in Jungkook's arms...they got into a she felt safe and protected...

she only had his brother who she could say has her family her parents both died when she was 4 and her beta bother mino 6 who is strong and protective over his little sister by themselves..they had few relatives but after few day they left them alone they got into an orphanage.

these hard times made Jennie realise to put up a big wall around her and stood in the top of it..but jungkook broke it so easily as they built their own castel...but her sassyness cannot be stopped..

The next day the couples went to college hand in hand giggling and blushing

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The next day the couples went to college hand in hand giggling and blushing..the whole University was amazed by the new couple..

They both introduced each other to their friends circle In a cafe

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They both introduced each other to their friends circle In a cafe.

[Jungkook's friends : hobi,Yugyeom and  eun woo
Jennie's friend : jisoo , yerin , Irene, nayeon, chahee, heechal and her brother mino ]

Everyone was teasing the new couple who were red in embarassment..laughter and wooing filled the cafe..

everything was going great until there was a hand which covered jungkook's eyes.. everyone became quite by the sudden action..jungkook removed the hand and turned to see a girl Standing there with a big smile plastered on her face..
"Missed me?"
Jungkook Hugged her and lifted her up in the air twirling her..the crowd was silent except hobi who stood  up and went near her..
"Won't you give your oppa a hug?"
She removed her grip from JK's and side hugged hobi..
"Why didn't you tell me you are comming today huh? I thought it was tomorrow.."
"Yeah you told me you are coming soon..but I didn't think it was so soon.."

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