@annetwist: You look so pretty Kat. I hope my son will make it up to you x

@kat.mcnamara: I'm sure he will. I have about fifty messages off him saying he's sorry. I wish he would stop apologising😂 I understand, he had a off day, we all have them. I just hope this doesn't happen every time we have a disagreement.

@harrystyles: I can promise you, right here, right now. Nothing like this will happen again. Ever. And you look beautiful.

@harrne: Be sure to keep this promise🙄😑

@harrystyles: I know your angry at me @harrne I understand.

@harrne: No. I don't think you do understand. All I've done is support you, like everyone else. I've been your biggest fan since the start of your journey. I just never expected to disrespect someone the way you did.

@harrystyles: I am sorry❤ @harrne if there is anything I can do to make it up to you. I would in a heartbeat.

@kat.mcnamara: I may have something for @harrne and @hazza1d something they've never been given a chance.

@domsherwood: I think I know what she's thinking🤦‍♂️ you ain't gonna like this.

@harrystyles: Please explain. I'll do it.

@kat.mcnamara: It's totally up to them if they fancy it. But maybe they could, idk take them shopping, spend the day with us. Our treat. @hazza1d @harrne

@domsherwood: Knew it! I called it.

@harrystyles: That's brilliant. Made a day of it.

@niallhoran: You're forgetting the first thing... @hazza1d and @harrne answer.

@hazza1d: OMFG YES!! I would love to meet you both in person. Finally! My dream is coming true.

@harrne: Hmm... sure. Yeah I would like that.

@kat.mcnamara: You don't seem so sure @harrne is there any other requests you would like?

@harrne: Maybe. But I feel cheeky asking?

@harrystyles: Ask away. We can see if we can meet it.

@hazza1d: Accept @harrne it be nice to meet you in person.

@harrne: And you @hazza1d but I want to see Niall and Emeraude too. Sorry that was cheeky.

@harrystyles: It wasn't cheeky at all. @niallhoran @emeraude

@emeraude: When? I am busy today.

@niallhoran: I'm free, just give me a date.

@kat.mcnamara: Tomorrow?

@hazza1d: I'm free.

@emeraude: I do have something on tomorrow but I can arrange it.

@harrystyles: I do have to be somewhere at 5pm. But we can still do it. Also, @domsherwood @emeraude and @kat.mcnamara your all invited.

@harrne: I'm also free.

@kat.mcnamara: So, tomorrow? Yeah.

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