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"Are you okay?" I asked softly as I massaged Cihangir's shoulders, he was hesitant in letting me touch his shoulders or back and I understand, he already was in so much pain but now he seemed to enjoy it.

"My brothers are fighting again, the usual," He said frowning a bit which made me frown too. I still don't get this fight between the princes, could jealousy and competition do all of this to brothers from the same mother and father, could it really separate them like this?

"Oh, I hope the princes resolve their arguments so everything could go back to the way it was," I said sadly, I've always hated seeing siblings fight from my experience, I fought with my sister just before I was kidnapped and she killed for trying to protect our other sister that was also kidnapped and until this day I have no idea where she was or if she was alive until now.

"it always has been like this, since I was really young they would fight," He said also sad, I could see that he really loved his siblings and maybe even more than himself and that's what was making me fall for him, he was so selfless.

"I'm sure Hurrem sultan will solve this problem as she usually does," I said not stopping my hands from massaging his shoulders for a second, I admit though that my hands were starting to ache a little, and Cihangir seemed to notice as my squeezing lost some of its strength. He took my hand into his making me stop, he pulled me forward to sit in front of him.

"What did you do today?" He asked not letting go of my hand as he spoke. He seemed to genuinely care which made my heart skip a beat at the look in his eyes.

"The usual helped the girls clean and serve the sultana" I shrugged my shoulders. My days have been the same since I've come to the harem and only changed after I was sent to Cihangir but it was the same now nonetheless just with a little difference.

"Why did you help them clean? You're a favorite now it's not your job" He asked curiously raising his eyebrow at me.

"I can't not help them, I feel guilty for just sitting around all day besides it gets boring doing nothing all day" I shrugged. He laughed and pulled me in for a quick peck on the lips before he stood up and pulled me up, we walked over to his desk whereas usual were many books and papers open.

"I've been reading this book, it's in Latin" He explained pulling up a book from the pile and showed me the cover of it.

"Do you know Latin?" He asked as he watched me take the book from him and flip through the pages after he let go of my hand. I looked up at him and shook my head 'no'.

"Then I will teach you," He said giddily. He loves teaching me new things, he made me memorize the map of the Ottoman empire and possible new countries to be added.

"You love to give me work, huh?" I asked jokingly as we sat down on his couch after he picked up many books and I took another pile of books he asked me to bring with me.

"Have to fill your boring time so you won't have to do others work for them" He answered sitting down on the couch beside me and put the pile on his other side before taking the book at the top and opened it for me to see what was written inside of it.

"Hey! I was being nice" I pouted a little crossing my arms. He laughed and leaned forward capturing my lips with his kissing my pout away and a smile took its place.

"Now, Latin" I laughed as he turned serious and opened the book to show unfamiliar letters and words.

"Ah, Sirin hatun come in" Sunbul opened the Valida's door and let me into the wing where Hurrem sultan sat with Mihrimah sultan and her daughter Humasah.

"Sultanas" I bowed in front of them. They both nodded as their acknowledgment. Hurrem signaled me to step closer which I did.

"Sirin, how have you been?" She asked kindly placing her hands in her lap after handing her granddaughter back to Mihrimah Sultan.

"Very good, thanks to you Sultana," I said nodding my head in a bowing manner as a way to show her my gratitude.

"Cihangir seems really happy with you, I'm glad we were able to find him, someone that makes him happy," She said turning to look at her daughter who nodded in agreement.

"His happiness is my first priority," I said smartly. You have to show your best side so you don't get on their bad side.

"Of course, it should be or I will have your head" Mihrimah sultan said strongly placing her daughter down so she could run around the wing.

"Mihrimah, don't be so harsh on the girl she's doing her job perfectly," Hurrem sultan said with a slightly annoyed tone, she was annoyed with her daughter's behavior, we all knew that Mihrimah sultan was somewhat bratty and letting her power get to her head.

"Now, I expect you've been careful" Hurrem sultan said looking back at me. I raised my eyebrow in confusion at what she meant. Careful? Of what?

"Pardon?" I asked confused. Hurrem sultan chuckled a little at me and looked at Mihrimah sultan who rolled her eyes a little but a small smile adorned her face as she faced her daughter that was now pulling the pillows off the couch beside the throne.

"Cihangir can't have children until the sultan approves since Cihangir will never be sent to a sanjak" She explained. My eyes widened and a blush crept up in my face which probably made me look like a tomato.

"O-of c-course, Sultanim d-don't worry" I stuttered looking down at my feet feeling embarrassed to talk about something like this, this was a private matter between me and the prince but I'm sure she was asking because she cares about her son.

"Good, when the bottle is almost finished come to me or Sunbul agha," She said looking behind me making me turn to see Sunbul nodding his head and look at me with a stern look, he was nice but when it came to the future of the princes and Sultanas he was really strict.

"You can go rest, hatun" I bowed and left the Valide's room and went to the harem where Fülane was waiting for me to return. I looked up at the balcony of the Valide's room as Mihrimah sultan left the room, she looked down at me and nodded her head as a way to say don't forget. I blushed and bowed to her before continuing to Fülane.

 I blushed and bowed to her before continuing to Fülane

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