Start from the beginning


Wow stop Diana, you sound desperate.

I bit my bottom lip, preventing myself from looking too excited by his invitation. Clarette is with Theo, Luna Is with Neville and Ginny, which left me alone. Axel's invitation was just the right timing, atleast I won't be alone.

I lick my lips then cleared my throat “Sure, Wembley” I answered.

The other boys behind him lightly punch him in the back which made him grin widely at me, then I notice his cheeks was getting redder. “Axel” he shortly replied “Call me Axel, Laurier”

Then he took out his hand, reaching out for mine. I slip mine in his and finally we hand shaked. “Okay Axel”

“Can I call you Diana?”

I was a bit taken a back by his question. Isn't getting to first name basis with him too quick? Maybe he just wants to be friends? Right?. I nodded my head at him, masking the fact that I was a bit surprised by what he asked “Of course, Axel”

He pulled his hand from mine and I dropped mine down. “Spectacular. I'll see you in a couple of days, down here, in the common room, before the first task”

I only nodded my head and bid him goodbye, as I was about to run upstairs I heard his mates cheer him up, making me smile.

As I got to my dorm, I quickly changed my clothes. I grabbed the quidditch ravenclaw shirt my brother, Zachary, gave me after he graduated in Hogwarts two years ago. He was quidditch captain, greatest beater.

I wasn't the best at flying however, I can definitely do some moves.

After changing, I went to the boy's locker room, sneakily grabbed one broomstick, the smallest one for me, I had no clue, to who the broomstick came from, I don't even know who's house this locker room is, but I reckon it's Ravenclaws, considering the lockers are blue, although it's in the dungeons.

I made my way to the Quidditch Pitch, on the way, I avoided any Professor that would see me. It was a struggle, because the hallways was full of students who just finished their first afternoon class, making it hard for me to sneak out the castle–nevertheless I managed.

As I went outside the castle, I was greeted by the chirp of the birds, the air is thick but with a slight coldness, making me rub my shoulders when the air hits my skin. My ravenclaw shorts made no effort of hiding my lower body from the cold, making me grunt. I should've worn those black joggers.

I passed by the the trees and a couple more bushes to get to the Quidditch Pitch whilst holding my broomstick and my wand. The moment I get there, I gaze around the pitch. Three hoops, on either side of the oval pitch, and the space is wide enough for me to fly in the air.

Given that no one is around, I dropped my wand to the ground and placed the broomstick in between my legs, I lick my lips and prepared myself, then I kick myself up and with that; I flew.

The wind pushed my hair back, making it flow behind me as I flew across the stadium with ease. I did a flew dives and a few turns. I stopped briefly, in the center then gaze up the sky, it was so blue, so beautiful. Maybe if I could just go higher.... It wouldn't be a problem. It could a little dangerous, but... What's fun without a little risk?

I smiled to myself then soon enough, I found myself going up, the wind was ringing in my ears when I flew up to the skies, but I quickly stop when I reached the clouds. Then I looked down on the pitch.

The view is amazing from up here, making me part my mouth open, I can see the whole Castle, The forbidden forest, the black lake and the whole pitch. “So you know how to fly?” a voice said.

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