╟ ☸︎𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥☃︎ ╢

Start from the beginning

"You shouldn't— they can't be trusted with anything" Ennoshita eyed the two boys as they were looking at the food along with you with sparkles in their eyes, a cold shiver went down both tanaka's and nishinoya's spine

"Tanaka, Ennoshita is eyeing us again isn't he.." Nishinoya muttered not wanting to look behind

"I don't know dude, but I'm sure he is..." Tanaka muttered back

"Hi Enno!!" You waved at Ennoshita as his glare vanished and he smiled waving back making you giggle

"Awwww 'enno' that's cute"

"Whoaaa— that's one of the biggest gingerbread house I have ever seen!!" Tanaka's, Nishinoya's and Shōyō's jaw dropped down on seeing the gingerbread house, it was three story high and had white frosting dripping down making it look like icicles, and a high chimney

I can't add the pic due to max pictures 😔✌🏼😛

"You guys are acting like you've never seen— holy hold my milk now that's cool" Kageyama looked at that gingerbread house

"My nana did it!" You exclaimed smiling

"Wahhh?! Really?! Your nana must be a cool nana!" Nishinoya petted your head

"She is— she's better then pop-pop" You nodded making a 😐 face looking at the window

"Eh? Who's pop-pop?" Shōyō asked

"Pop-pop is my.. Uh... pop-pop..?" You tried to explain

"Ohhh nice!" Shōyō smiled walking away as the others had confused looks watching him walk away— even you had a confused look!

"Is 'pop-pop' your grandfather?" Yamaguchi asked

"No— my daddy's daddy's daddy!" You answered as they all oh-ed— well it took them a while to hit them

"But.. pop-pop doesn't like daddy😔" you make a sad face

"Dunno why" you shrugged before pointing to the ground wanting to be put down as Tanaka did so

"Who's her pop-pop?" Nishinoya asked looking at the others

"How the frickery frack are we supposed to know?!" Tsukishima smacked the boy's head. Again.

"Wayt! Tsukki! You didn't swear!😱" Yamaguchi and everyone else looked at the tall beanpole with a shock expression

"What? I can't swear, or else pipsqueak will swear too" Tsukishima walked up to you and lifted you up carrying you

"Well that's a side of tsukishima I thought I'll never see👁👄👁" Suga spoke breaking the silence

"HEY HEY HEY!! LOOKS WHO HERE— *gasp* MY BABY OWL!!— oh look tsuki-dude is there too" Bokuto didn't bother to take off his bag and jacket and rushed over to you and tsukki, he snatched you from him. Tsukki stood there like 🧍🏼‍♂️Bokuto get your fat ass back here with my pipsqueak!😤

"BOKUTOOOOO" you laughed as he threw you in the air catching you again

"Bokuto-san, don't do that. We aren't in the gym, the ceiling isn't high" Akaashi spoke as the rest of the Fukurodani walked in the room, taking off their bags and jackets, scarf

"Ah, sorry akaashi" Bokuto sheepishly smiled

"Akaashie, hold my baby owl while I take off my jacket!" Bokuto handed Akaashi you as he took off his jacket

"Hiya!" You smiled at Akaashi as he smiled back

"Hello (y/n)" Akaashi smiled

~time skip~ sorry I'm running out of ideas for this special 😔

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖.  ➸ 𝐻𝑎𝑖𝑘𝑦𝑢𝑢 [𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄✔︎]Where stories live. Discover now