part 6

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The ride home was silent yet there was a feeling of content. They both had meant to say something after the kiss but the rain had other plans. Riddhima smiled now as she remembered her lips captured with his. It was her first kiss and she was glad it was with him. She didn't need to think of how he felt for her; the longing in the kiss had told her everything. She was so lost in that moment still that she hadn't even realized that they were already parked outside Seema Mausie's home.

"Riddhima?" Armaan took his hand back when he felt her body jerk from his touch "we are here Riddhima"

"Oh" She frowned looking at the house. She wanted to remain in the car with him, she didn't want to go home, she wished Armaan would take her somewhere far far away where it would just be the two of them. "Will I see you tomorrow Armaan?" she knew she would but confirming it with him made her feel better.

"Of course you will" He felt his heart beat faster when she opened the door to leave; he reached out and grabbed her hand forcing her to look at him. "Have lunch with me tomorrow?" He smiled when she smiled and nodded her head. He waited for her to go inside and left only when he saw the light to her room turn on.

How could she possibly sleep tonight Riddhima muttered to herself. So much was going on inside her, her head felt light and her heart had been doing flip flops since the moment Armaan had kissed her. As she lay in bed she couldn't help but smile thinking about him. He had changed so much in the past 15 years. The once naughty and impatient Armaan was suddenly so mature and patient, she blushed now and was thankful he was not around to see her. She loved both personalities of Armaan she thought now. She loved the mischievous spoilt one and now she loved the calm and mature one.

She twisted and turned and finally threw the blanket off in defiance. It was 2 am and she was no where near asleep. The moment she would shut her eyes Armaan would come and play havoc with her lips. Enough was enough she thought it was finally time that at least one of them laid their feelings out and it seemed at this point it was going to be her. Yes! she said smiling she would tell Armaan everything tomorrow, tell him how much she missed him, how much she loved him and how even now she belonged to him and him only. Planning out her confession Riddhima finally slipped into a deep slumber with a smile playing on her lips.

"Ma? Maaaaa?"

"What is it my child why are you yelling?" Gayatri stood agape watching her son throw his things hither and thither, it had for moment had given her a feeling deja vu where a 10 year old Armaan was throwing his things around in search for the bangles he had bought for Riddhima.


Gayatri was chucked out of her reverie as Armaan's annoyed voice fell upon her ears. "What's the matter son why are you creating such a ruckus?" Ignoring his irritated expressions Gayatri began collecting his things.

"Ma there was a pair of anklets sitting right there" he said pointing to the credenza through gritted teeth "now they are gone, I can't find them anywhere"

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