Start from the beginning

Which she's right.

Whilst making her way to Ravenclaw's common room, her body collided with another just as she was about to take a turn. She stumbled down on the floor with her book bag. She felt a sharp pain in her arse, and she immediately shut her eyes and winced ever so slightly. Her skirt went up her thighs and once the pain in her arse slowly withered she looked up only to see a pair of grey eyes with a tinge of blue, like the sea.


Her heart briefly stopped beating, she was shock. She instantly stood up, grabbing her book bag and straightened her skirt, she never would have thought she'd bumped into Draco Malfoy... Her longtime crush ever since second year.

Though no one knew, she was still nervous. Who wouldn't be nervous when Draco Malfoy is looking down on you? Despite that she remained calm, and stared at him with a unwavering gaze. "Malfoy" her voice sounded so formal, so business-like.

"How clumsy can you Ravenclaws be?" He snapped then pushed past her. She was taken a back. Her mouth parted open in shock. She wasn't just disrespected, The Blonde boy disrespected every Ravenclaw just because he bumped into her.

She knew Malfoy wasn't the nicest, infact, He is a Bully. Constantly harassing the Golden Trio and everyone who came to be unworthy for him, for short- Mudbloods and blood traitors. Even if she wasn't one of them, he was rude to her, this was their first direct encounter, their first words with each other. She couldn't help but feel a little down.

But she shook her head, dismissing the thoughts. He's just a crush, nothing else, I shouldn't swoon over him like a fangirl. That's just pathetic, she thought. Then she proceeded to make her way towards her common room, clutching her book bag tightly.

Once she stood in front of the oak tall door, the portrait of the eagle knocker moved then spoke to her. "at night they come without being fetched, and by day they are lost without being stolen, what are they?" he questioned.

Diana stood there, putting a hand over her chin. Thinking furiously to get the riddle right. Then a thought hit her. "Dreams?" she queried.

The eagle knocher shook his head "Incorrect" he stated.

She thought for a moment again. What could possibly come at night and by the day they're lost? She asked herself. She lick her lips and her face scrunched up until she had another answer in her mind. "Stars?"

The oak door creaked open and she smiled widely then pushed it, to get inside. It was never a problem for her to get inside regardless of the riddle password she has to face everyday. Some Ravenclaws had a hard time at first but eventually, their minds broadened and became sharp-witted in terms of these riddles.

Once she took a step inside she was greeted by the loud chatter occuring at the couches, the 2nd years were playing wizards chess with tons of bags of chips next to them. She ignored them and quickly head up to the stone steps, going upstairs to her dorm that she shares with another fellow Ravenclaw.

She turned the door knob then pushed the door open, revealing their wide room with stars in the ceiling. It was aesthetically pleasing to the eyes, thus the room wasn't that cozy, it was a bit cold. Just what she wanted.

"You came earlier than I expected" the blonde haired girl said while reading a book in her bed with her stomach facing the ceiling. Her eyes locked with Diana.

"I've finished my studies early, Clarette" Diana grinned then went to her closet and slipped her book bag down the table next to the wardrobe. She grabbed a shirt, pajamas and immediately slipped out of her robes and uniforms.

Blue and Bronze || Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now