Part 5

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I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. At that moment, the only thing that mattered what Lilla. And she wasn't with me.

"Lilla!" my cries sound pathetic, frantically searching for her amongst the chaos. 

"Lilla!" I spot her huddled under a table, alone. "Angel, come here!" She runs to me, burrowing herself under my arms. I feel my soul re-enter my body now that she's in my arms. I just needed her safe.

I didn't know what was going on, I didn't know what to do. People were screaming and running, cakes, and pies all over the ground. It honestly looked like a war zone.

"Josephine!" I glanced around expecting to find Valentina hoping she hasn't left yet. "Josephine!!" I shiver. That voice. I turn around and find Felix running towards me. What the fuck is he doing here? He pulls Lilla off me, her clinging to him like a koala.

My heart leaps as I don't know his intentions and I only can hope he's wanting to keep her safe. I'm surprised that she didn't look uncomfortable in his arms. And I'm surprised I let him take her from me.

"We need to go, now!" He takes his free hand and pushes me to his car. It was a sleek black SUV with tinted windows. I didn't even know these kinds of cars existed in real life. When we got close enough, the doors opened. Felix laid Lilla in the back seat and stepped aside, waiting for me to get in. "Josephine, we need to go right now." He demands, opening the door for me. I glance in and see he's already lied Lilla on the seat.

"You need to tell me what the hell is going on. Why are people attacking a kid's bake sale?"

"Jose, just get in the car and I'll explain everything I promise." Now he's pleading. Pouting like a child, I half expected him to stomp his foot. Why does he want me to go with him so bad?

I'm severely contemplating going with him, but the fact that Lilla is already in the car makes it harder for me to leave.

"Not until you tell me. I don't even know you!" His eyes soften as he looks hurt. Like he knew me. He better tells me what's going on, and fast my patients are running thin.

"They're called the Delvant." He gives in, walking closer to me. "They're looking for you."


"Up until two days ago, they didn't even know you were alive."

My stomach drops.

People thought I was dead?

I couldn't begin to think of all the things running through my mind at this moment. I had so many questions.

I let out a sigh and reluctantly climb into the car with Lilla. He walked around to the driver's seat and wasted no time starting the car and splitting from the curb.

"I want more than that," I gasp. "What do you mean they thought I was dead."

"I'll explain everything at the safe house."

"Safe house?" I scoff. "I don't even know you what the hell is going on." I open my phone and text, Val, sending her my location as I am unaware where he is taking us.

"She's going to meet us there." He speaks up.


"You're texting Valentina? She's meeting us at the safe house."

"How do you know Val?"

He lets out a short laugh as if I should already know the answer to that question. "She's the one who called me and told me about the attack."

She left before the attack even happened...How did she know? And how does she know Felix? Jesus my head is spinning with questions as my reality seems to be altered.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Jose, rest. It will be a couple of hours until we're there. I'll answer everything when we get there, I promise." I look at him through the review mirror and can see a smile painting his lips. "Please."

I was exhausted, and Lilla was already asleep next to me. Poor thing doesn't even realize what's going on. My body gives in and I curl next to her on the seat, situating her head on my lap. Felix shifts the car into an auto-pilot and leans his own chair back. I run my hand through Lilla's messy hair.

"It's okay, Angel. We're okay." Thank god she fell asleep, I don't know what I would do if she was awake right now.


I woke up just as we pulled in. I could see Felix's amusement out of the corner of my eye of my reaction to the house. It doesn't look like a safe place to me.

The house is made of large glass panels in a modern design

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The house is made of large glass panels in a modern design. It was sleep and beautiful and a place I could never afford.

"This doesn't look very safe to me." I scoff, opening my door and stepping out into the air. It was warm and the sun was setting. I felt safe. 

"We're secluded, there's nothing for miles." Can he read my mind?

He steps closer to me, I can almost feel his breath fan down my neck. "It's made of concrete and the glass is bulletproof. You're safe here." He steps back, biting his lip to prevent a smile from forming. "I wouldn't have brought you if it wasn't." 

"Get Lilla, let's go inside." He's already making his way into the house. I turn towards the open door. 

"Josie!" I hear a car door close and turn to see Valentina running towards me. "Oh my god, Josephine." Relief floods me and I throw my arms around her, feeling so overwhelmed with everything that happened but the fact that she's in my arms makes everything okay now. 

"are you okay? Where's Lil? She is so frantic. 

"Were fine. What the hell happened?" I'm ready for some answers and I want them now. 

"We should go inside, we don't know who could be listening." She scoops Lilla up from the seat and carries her inside, I'm not far behind her. 

The inside of the house was stunning. never in my whole life did I think I would ever be in a place like this. 

I just wish they were better circumstances. 

Double update! Part 6 is up now!!!

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