"Oh, boy..."

As soon as they walked in, Lillith saw multiple androids with minimal amount of clothes on in tubes while some danced on glowing poles. If she was human, and Hank's actual daughter, she would be beyond embarrassed. So, she programmed a small tint of red to adorn her face. Hank noticed and gave a small chuckle.

"Hey, Hank." A policeman, a bit on the chunky side, greeted.

"Hey, Ben. How's it goin'?" Hank replied before gesturing to brunette slightly behind him, "This is my daughter, Lillith. She knows a little bit about androids, so I brought her with."

"Hank... I don't think --"

Hank went to cut him off but Lillith did it instead by holding out her hand and giving him a smile, "Hello, Ben. My dad told me all about you. Plus, I've seen many police shows. I know, shows and real life are way different, but they actually had a retired FBI agents come in on Criminal Minds to make sure everything was good... Sorry, I ramble, but I love facts and opinions. Like, for example, a popular opinion is that all androids are slaves -- I agree with that. However, I disagree with them being treated as such. That's how we got into the Civil War in 1861."

"Uh..." Ben stared at the feminine android in shock at just how much she dumped onto him before shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you too..." He pointed to a door that said occupied before looking at Hank with wide eyes, "It's that room there. Oh, uh, by the way... Gavin's in there too."

"Oh, great. Dead body and an asshole, just what I needed..." His voice held resent before looking at his daughter, "Also, she talks a lot; loves history and such. She knows karate too." Hank seemed proud of her, but she could tell he was just a bit sad at the karate -- only for Cole's sake.

Lillith looked around the open area before following Hank and Connor into the room. As soon as she did, she did a quick scan of the room. To her right was an android (Traci Model - WR400 / Release - 2035) who looked like she shut down, but she could tell she could be rebooted for about a minute or so. She slowly went left in her scan; there was a dark toned man named Chris Miller (Date of birth - September 30, 2009), the corpse of Michael Graham (Date of death - November 6, 2038), and another man named Gavin Reed (Date of birth - October 7, 2002).

She came back to normal speed as soon as her second step hit the floor. She quietly muttered, "Woah... brutal."

Gavin looked up as the door closed behind the three new arrivals, "Lieutenant Anderson and his plastic pet... What are you tw --" His sentence halted as he looked over Lillith's frame. "Who is this beauty?"

Lillith showed visible disgust at those words before placing a hand on her seething father's shoulder. She was going to give him a proper introduction but decided against it when he called Connor a plastic pet.

"My name isn't beauty." She bit out, her voice held poison and Connor could tell -- he had deduced that it was because of that comment... but it was more than that. "It's Lillith Anderson, and now I can see why my father dislikes you so much. You would have gotten a proper introduction if it wasn't for your horny gaze, Reed." She looked to Chris and her expression immediately softened from the burning rage, "And only good things from you, Chris."

Gavin was taken aback by the amount of anger she had in her voice but only scoffed in return, indicating to her that she won, "The phck are you doin' here?"

Connor answered, "We've been assigned all cases involving androids."

"Oh, yeah? Well, you're wasting your time. Just some pervert who, uh, got more action than he could handle." A chuckle came from Gavin as he looked at Chris for backup, which he didn't receive.

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