I pulled an all nighter and other crap

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Hey guys, guess what? I woke up at 6.00 WTF. Well, actually I didn't because I stayed wake all night, you know that feeling when your so tired that your not tired anymore? Yeah, my eyes won't shut so I'm updating. Also I got a new phone, do you know what the best part is? ITS MY BROTHERS, MUM SAID I CAN KEEP IT COS HE LOSES IT ALL THE TIME AND NEVER ANSWERS THE PHONE. SO IN YOUR STUPID ASS GLITTER UNICORN FART FACE KYLE. YEAH. WHOO HOO. <3
Did you know that Avril Lavigne turned 30 last year? She is so awesome, I love her work, especially Rock and Roll, What the Hell, Here's to never growing Up and complicated.
So I was just searching up puppies but I accidentally put an o instead of u and the 2nd thing that comes up? Pole dancing in Adelaide? How many men are THAT desperate that they pay money for women to basically touch themselves and hump a pole wearing barely anything on their body?
Well anyway, hamsters/guinea pigs are SO cute, I have a guinea pig but I don't make him run on wheels or put him in outfits. I DO have a cape for him though but it's not around his body making it hard for him to breath it's got adjustable straps for his neck.
One Direction fanfics are really good, if their not too short and about a girl falling in love with bad-boy Harry or sweet, innocent Niall, also Steph if your reading, PICK UP THE DAMN SKYPE CALL ITS ANNOYING. I remember that some people think that there is fetus ( a dead baby ) in Pepsi Max, who would think that, WIERD. I spilt my Pepsi on the new couch today and I'm like SHIT but I got the hair drier and covered it in a blanket so it's all good, also CATS, Harry Styles apparently loves cats, Liam's afraid of spoons and Louis loves carrots? Well bye, I'll update when thoughts have nested themselves into my brain and murdered any chance of practicing my clarinet, I DO play clarinet, cleaning my guinea pigs cage, my room or socialising like a normal human being-not that I am one. And I want a horse that's got a black coat that fades to dark grey at its belly with a dark grey to pure white with bright blonde highlighted mane with white specks on its lower back with a white star and light grey muzzle with really dark, deep, brown eyes. BYEE

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