Chapter 11

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After having his meeting with the staff of U.A, Y/n went to meet up with Toga who thought his scar was cool but happily hid it with concealer as it was an excuse to spend more time with him. Afterward, he offered her to go out murdering people and she jumped on the chance. Being the excitable fool she is, she complained when Y/n told her to rest up and wait for the next day. And of course, Y/n being who he is, caved to her requests and they pulled an all-nighter to go out and murder.

Then after that, she taught him how to apply the concealer and they took a short rest before going out and pulling another all-nighter filled with murder.

He had received some calls from a few of his classmates, including Jiro, but he ignored those calls to focus on work.

And now they sat at the same cafe where Y/n made his deal with Shigaraki, drinking caffeine as a way to fuel up.

Y/n: Why did we do that again...?

Toga yawned while propping her head up, trying to stay awake.

Toga: Because it's fun~!

Her head slid off of her hand and hit the table, making Y/n have to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing.

Toga: Okay, I see your point. But you're always so busy!

Y/n: This hero stuff is hard work. Between the tests, homework, and training, I never have any free time. I'm doing this to help you, you just don't know it yet.

Toga: That doesn't mean you can ignore me!

Y/n: Yeah, yeah. I won't ignore you, ok?

Toga: Ok!

Y/n: Now let's call it a day. We won't get much done as we are now.

He took a sip from his drink while expecting a response. When he didn't get one, he looked up to see that Toga had fallen asleep.

Y/n: Why am I not surprised?

He brushed some strands of hair out of her face, making her smile in her sleep.

Y/n: *sigh* I really do have a soft spot for you.

He finishes his drink and then her drink since she won't be needing it and began carrying her to a place to stay. As he's walking towards a poorer part of Musutafu, not Ergastulum mind you, he spots the girls of his class walking down the street.

Y/n: Fuck, why can things never go my way?

He dips into an alley to avoid them. Once they're gone, he leaves the alley and continues until he reaches his destination. He breaks into an apartment, murdering the owner of it, and leaves Toga to rest while he hides the body.

It's late at night when he returns to the Midoriya residence, opting to climb in the window and just go straight to bed without dinner. The next morning Y/n put on the concealer like Toga taught him before getting tackled by Inko who was apparently very worried about where he was the past few nights.

Inko: I was so worried!! I thought you ran off or something happened to you!

Y/n: O-Oh, sorry... I did that a lot before. I guess I never really thought about it since I never had anyone waiting for me back home in the past.

She immediately began crying and now instead of being told off, he was being coddled.

Y/n: I really am the worst... But I can't tell anyone about what I'm doing.

Y/n and Izuku eat breakfast and leave for school, taking the train due to the rain. Izuku is trying to learn what Y/n was doing for the past couple of days, but Y/n wasn't giving any info. As they were on the train, they were noticed by some of the people on their commute to work and were called out, being congratulated on their performance in the sports festival.

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