Royal Milk Tea - Celesgiri (Part 3)

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"A- a tea lesson?!" Kyoko burst out. "You're going to teach me how to make tea?"

"Why of course!" Celeste replied, laughing. "It is a great opportunity for you and me!"

"I... I mean why not?" 

"Splendid!!!!" Celeste smiled. "I will go and prepare the water right now."

Kyoko stood in the small kitchen awkwardly as she watched Celeste pour some water into a kettle. Soon enough though, Celestia turned back to Kyoko and gestured for her to stand in front of the ingredients that she had prepared for her. 

"I will give you the directions, Kyoko. Please don't worry." Celestia added as Kyoko stepped up to the countertop. 

"To be honest.. I'm more than lost here- but alright.." Kyoko mumbled as she looked down at the various types of ground-up leaves in victorian-style cups. 

"As I said Kirigiri, I told you not to worry." Celeste let out a small laugh. "Oh, if you could see your face right now.." She sighed as she walked up next to Kyoko.

"..My face?"

"It is fine. It was just a joke, after all. Was the joke good?" 

Kyoko jokingly scoffed. "Wow.. Celestia Ludenberg? Making a joke? This is a once in a lifetime experience!" 

"Oh, come on. It was an attempt-! Anyways, with the tea-" Celeste then poured hot water into a cup and then proceeded to pour hot milk into another. 

Kyoko couldn't help but to watch Celestia's experienced hands as she prepared.

"Now, if I can remember this correctly, I assume we take the tea leaves- the ones on the right- and let them brew in the hot water. Making royal milk tea is very simple, but delicate. Be as careful as you wish, Kirigiri-san." Celeste instructed. Kyoko hesitated a bit before taking the tea leaves and dropping them into the cup with the hot water. She had to shake it a bit to get all the tea leaves out, releasing the amazing smell coming from them.

"I think I'm good. And next?" Kyoko said confidently.

"Kirigiri-san, we have to let the tea leaves brew for a few minutes."

"Oh-" Kyoko blushed as she avoided eye-contact. Oops. That was embarrassing.

 "Hmm.." Celeste started. "But we can just continue with the recipe here; normally I would let the leaves soak for a little more but I assume this is enough."

"Oh, alright," Kyoko replied. How did Celestia not notice that?

"Okay, now you take the strainer and strain the leaves from the water into the cup with the milk. And voila, your royal milk tea should be finished!"

Hands fumbling a bit, Kyoko did as she was told, resulting in a steaming cup of delicate milk tea. "Did I just- make this?  Something this good looking? "  Kyoko thought as the hot tea warmed up her gloves.

"Absolutely wonderful! ...Outstanding job, Kirigiri. Would you like to try it?" Celeste smiled.

"Sure." Kyoko lifted the warm cup to her lips and took a little sip of the royal milk tea. "Wow.. this is so delicous! Celeste, you really are a good teacher!" Kirigiri let out as she took a bigger sip. Did this tea.. symbolize their love?


(HI!! A quick note from the author!  I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the attention that this has gotten! I really am grateful! Don't worry though, more one-shots are coming up soon! Sorry for not posting often. Anyways- here's a quick Q&A about "Tea Lessons".  

Q: Is this Kyoko different? A: Yes. In this story, Kyoko is clumsier and unsure about things. This is definitely not close to her actual personality, but I thought it would fit better with this story. 

Q: Why does Celestia have an apartment? A: Actually,, I don't really know? This takes place where there is no killing game and Celeste owns an apartment to have a living space while she saves up for her dream (living in a castle). So I guess it's an AU?

Q: Why is there 3 parts? A: oops, i was going to make this a series of one shots but i guess it just ended up being a short story. 

Q: Is this a real Royal Milk Tea recipe? A: No, sorry.. I just came up with it on the spot.)

Tea Lessons (A celesgiri story)Where stories live. Discover now