Did I really get out? What if it's all just a dream... what if I'm still there... She was shaking. She hadn't realized she was. Her breaths were uneven and she was scared. The door could open any minute and she'd be forced to do things she'd never in her life imagined doing.

"You okay?" Dustin's voice caught Andrea's ears, causing her to jump, "Andrea?"

She couldn't speak. It was as if her throat was closed up. She wasn't supposed to speak. She was supposed to be quiet. That's what Brenner wanted.

"Andrea, it's okay," Dustin's voice was trying to soothe her.

Was it? Was it truly okay? She didn't think that it could ever be okay. She wasn't a person. She was an experiment. An experiment that the government would kill for.

"Steve, Andrea's having a panic attack," Dustin declared to the Harrington boy before looking at Andrea, "Hold your breath. It'll help. Most panic attacks are indused by the fact that someone can feel their heart racing and the loss of control causes them to freak out."

"Henderson, facts won't help," Steve was now beside Andrea or so he thought, "Hey, Andrea, you are safe. You're with me."

Andrea felt as Steve bent down, his knee touched hers, "Is now a bad time to say I'm scared of the dark?" Her voice was wavering.

Steve let out a small laugh trying to give some sort of comfort, "Breath evenly, it's alright."

"Did you know that kissing someone while having a panic attack makes them hold their breath and helps-" Dustin was cut off by a gasp by Andrea.

The girl was holding her breath despite the panic running through her veins, her face was red but no one could tell due to the darkness, "I think not..." Her voice was strained before she started coughing.

Steve raised an eyebrow at her reaction while cutting on his flashlight to help keep her calm after learning of her fear of the dark. Everyone in the room looked a bit annoyed.

"She's sixteen and she's scared of the dark?" Lucas found himself asking before Max slapped him over the head.

"Everyone's different," was Steve's harsh response to the teen in a scolding manner.

Seven felt bad for reacting how she did. For getting all worked up and fearing that everything wasn't real. She was just relieved that she hadn't said anything.

But she felt bad seeing the frown on Steve's face.

Lucas crawled out of the top of the bus to check around for the demogorgons after that. Though, he hadn't seen anything from what everyone could tell. He had been peering out of the top of the bus for a few minutes which caused a lot of anticipation within the group.

Steve was sitting side by side with Andrea. One hand was on her knee to try and help keep her calm while his other hand was flipping around a lighter. A flashlight was set up on the side to help keep the room from being too dark.

"So, you've really fought one of these things before?" Max asked Steve in surprise.

Seven's face was as red as Max's hair. Her heart rate was still slightly sped up but it wasn't as bad as when she had been freaking out because of the dark. Freaking out like a little child.

Steve looked over at Max and nodded in response to her question.

"And you're, like, totally one-hundred percent sure it wasn't a bear?" Max added another question to the bunch that she threw at Steve.

"Shit, don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear," Dustin joined the conversation, he couldn't get it into his head that Max had yet to believe, "Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home."

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now