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!TW! Graphic descriptions of death! Not for people who get uncomfy easily! I will put a *%& before it starts and after it ends if you would like to skip it!

Hi how u be?

Not proofread sorry pls point out mistakes thx

    Aria had been having a good day. He had gotten up to a text from Calixte, and had resolved to take the day and relax. He had made himself some breakfast (he was nowhere near a good cook, but he knew how to work and oven and make corn dogs. He's not that helpless), had gone to the grocery store and bought some more food (pre-cooked because he wasn’t ready to take the risk of burning his house down), and had sat in his house watching TV. Aria normally loved TV and all the things he could find on there.

    He did not like TV today. He had been aimlessly scrolling through channels and suddenly, the news channel had taken over everything and was freaking out about this girl who was trying to take over the state building in their town. Aria was confused, because he lived close to the building and definitely would have known if that was happening.

    Aria turned towards the window and did a double take.

    There, right in front of his face, was the girl from the news making extremely productive efforts to take the state building. 

    Aria was shocked at first. His brain was empty, and the first thought that came to his mind when he finally processed what was happening was that oh god, someone call a superhero!

    And then, of course, Aria realized with a start that he was the superhero.

    He rolled off his couch and put on his suit, which happened to be a simple black bodysuit, a blue belt with small pockets that kind of looked like its own little galaxy, as well as a pair of knee high boots similar to his belt. If you looked close enough, you could see stars twinkling in his belt and boots. Not that any villain got close enough to notice.

    Aria grabbed some little metal boxes from the counter, stuffing them into his belt pockets before heading out the door.

    You see, Aria is not like other superheroes. He doesn't have any magical powers or superhuman abilities. But Aria was smart. He could watch just a few seconds of his opponents fighting strategy and be able to easily come up with a plan to take them down. It didn’t matter if Aria had mediocre strength (to the villains, at least), because if he could find their weak spot, they would be down in a flash. And along with his ability to strategize, Aria also built weapons that he concealed in tiny, metal boxes. He had one that would create a shield, suspending anyone who tried to get past it in midair, one that would create an impenetrable capsule around any foe, and even one that would blow up a block or two if he ever needed it.

    Aria had ran down the block, trying to get to the state building as fast as he could. When he finally got there, he let out a sigh when he realized that the building was still upright and fairly unscathed. He looked up at the girl, who was floating above the town, taking down the cops and people who tried to stop her.

    No, she wasn’t floating, Aria realized. She was being suspended. There was a dark tendril of...something that was looped around this girl's waist, keeping her upright as she used more of the dark material to blow guns out of cops hands or to break any other weapons in half.

    Aria took a deep breath and lept into the square. Applause instantly arose and his arrival, but he blocked it out as the girl looked him up and down. Aria felt like nails were cutting into his skin where the girl's eyes trailed.

With All The Odds Against Usحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن