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I stood amongst the crowd, my hands gripping the small satchel my mother gave to me on my eight birthday, trying to hide the embarrassment that was obvious thanks to my hair as Mum hugged me goodbye. 

My hair had turned into a light shade of pink when my mother had began tearing up in the middle of the King's Cross station, which made a couple of heads to turn not to see the crying mother, but the small girl with pink hair.

I had gotten my acceptance letter from Hogwarts a week ago, and Mother and I have been nothing but excited. But then I couldn't help but feel sad, because then my Mum would be all alone in the house once I went to Hogwarts.

Mum broke away from the hug, making my hair shift back to it's normal color: it was brown, with the ends of my hair colored light purple; I've had my hair like that when I started growing longer hair.

She placed both hands on my shoulders, looking straight into my eyes. "Now, remember, Vally. What did I tell you when someone calls you a freak?"

I inhaled, exhaled, puffing my chest.  But after my what seemed like confident preparation, I pondered for a bit. "Shut up, bitch?"

Mum yelped, placing a hand on my mouth before raising her other, a finger placing against her lips as she giggled quietly. "Merlin, no. You should never say that word."

I furrowed my eyebrows, tilting my head. "But how come you could say it?" I asked against her palm

She dropped her hand down, bending so she could be face to face with me. "Because it's mummy's word. You can say it when you're thirteen." She smiled sweetly. "Now, again. What did I say?"

"To stay quiet?"

"That's correct." She smiled. Once again, Mother began getting teary-eyed, but sniffled and wiped it away before it rolled down her cheek. "Now, go along. You don't want to be late now, do you?"

I shook my head. "You'll be okay, right?"

Mum scoffed playfully. "Of course, Vally. You know me."

I smiled. I stood on my tiptoes, engulfing her with a hug, before I ran away to go inside the train. But before I stepped inside, I waved goodbye to my mother once more before I made my way in.

There were compartments already filled. I was too shy to ask if I were allowed to join them, so I searched for an empty one.

Suddenly, I bumped into someone. A boy with platinum blonde hair — too blonde, actually — sneered down on me when I lifted my head up. He looked around my age, or maybe a year older. "Watch it, you git!"

"Lucius!" A small voice behind him scolded. The boy — Lucius — scoffed, rolled his eyes, and pushed me to the side as he made his way behind me.

The girl who scolded him looked like the same age as him; black hair that was blond by the back, and had bangs covering her forehead. She gave me a warm smile. "Sorry about him. He's really moody sometimes. I'm Narcissa Black, by the way." 

I smiled, slowly taking the hand she offered. "Valerie Sommers. I'm a first year."

"Oh, really?" her face brightened, smiling wider. "That's cool! I could show you around —"

"Cissy!" A voice, a familiar voice rather, called for her. We both turned our heads to see Lucius with his hand out, an eyebrows raised at Narcissa. She blushed.

"Sorry, Valerie. But, I have to get going." She gave me an apologetic smile. "Nice meeting you, though!"

I smiled back, and I watched as Narcissa laced her hands with Lucius, who gives her a small kiss on the forehead before the walked away.

I continued searching for a compartment after that, until I saw one with a small, red-head girl, looking anxiously out the window. I tapped softly against the glass, which made her look up and gave me a forced smile.

Without asking, I slid the door open and sat in front of her. I held my hand out, feeling suddenly bold today as I gave her a warm smile. "Hi, I'm Valerie. And you are?"

"Lily Evans." She said in a small voice, but took my hand and shook it anyways. "Are you a first year?"

"Yep." I pipped. "First time at Hogwarts. I'm actually really excited. You?"

"Nervous." Lily said, rubbing her arm up and down. "My sister thinks I'm a freak."

"Oh, well, that's okay." I reassured, smiling again. "I'm a freak, too! I can change my hair color when my emotion changes."

"Wait, really —"

Suddenly, a boy outside out compartment tripped. I let out a small glance and stood up, opening the compartment. A curly haired boy with glasses giggles while he propped himself to his elbows, when his eyes landed on me, he smiled.

"Hey, guys!" He called, smiling up at me. "There's a cute girl, here!"

I blushed, the tips of my hair had turned light  blue from shyness, which made Lily gasp. She pointed at my hair, but I placed a finger on my lips, indicating to keep it a secret.

Three boys came rushing in. First was a tall, straight haired boy that had already good bone structure; second was a chubby and small one, looking up at me; and lastly, a cute boy with brown wavy hair that had a chocolate bar in his hand. The four boys smiled at me.

"Hi — oh!" The boy that had tripped earlier had squeezed himself in to go inside our compartment, and smiled at Lily.

"Nevermind. This one's cute." He smirked. "I'm James Potter. That one is Sirius Black —" He pointed to the guy who sat beside Lily, "— that one's Peter Pettigrew —" to the chubby boy, who gave me a warm smile, " — and —"

"Remus Lupin." The last boy smiled, sitting beside me. He opened his satchel, pulling out a chocolate bar. "Chocolate?"

I smiled, gladly taking it from me. "Thank you. I'm Valerie, by the way. Valerie Sommers."

Remus smiled, shaking my hand. "Valerie...I like that name. It matches your beauty."


prologue! suckish, i know.

i changed things a bit: i know lucius malfoy and narcissa attended hogwarts at 1965 - 1972, but I really wanna show his and Narcissa's love story because i really want to show that he really loves her

anyways, please vote, share, and comment!

love you all!

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