
231 16 40

valerie sommers

With the OWLs coming up, I had to make up a schedule for my daily activities — which I'll admit, is something I don't usually do; I was already lazy with studying, what makes you think I have the energy to make a schedule.

Given that I was a Gryffindor Chaser in our Quidditch team, I had to attend practice whenever our Captain decided which time we'd practice (which is when Slytherin decided not to mess up our practicing schedule). So that meant I had to wedge in Quidditch practice with my OWLs studying.

Today was Saturday, which meant that Quidditch practice was at seven am till three in the afternoon. I slipped in my Quidditch gloves and adjusted my cloak, twirling a little; the uniform was quite heavy, but I loved playing Quidditch so I guess I would just have to deal with it.

James and Sirius were waiting for me in the common room. As soon as I appeared, Marlene squealed and approached me. "You always look hot in that uniform." she complimented, running her hands through my cloak.

"Thanks." I smiled. Remus dropped the book he was reading and once again, handed me chocolate. I gladly took it from his hands, immediately ripping the packet with my teeth and took a small bite. "Wherever do you get these, R?"

"I make them." Remus said proudly, watching me eat. "I added a special ingredient last night; I know you need a bit boosting since you stayed awake all night studying, which you shouldn't."

"Which I should." I corrected. "Unlike you, I'm not smart, R. I've got fucking slow brains. Not slower than Sirius' but..."

"Hey!" Sirius shouted. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and rubbed the top of my head, causing my hair to get all messed up. And I pulled on his hair in return, causing him to let out a cry of pain.

Remus grabbed my arm while laughing. Sirius combed his hair with his hands, whining and pouting at me grumpily. "You ruined my hair!"

"It was just a small tug, you baby!" I scoffed, tying my hair into a pony tail. "You're so weak."

"I'm weak? Let's play arm wrestling, then you'll see who's weak!" Sirius challenged, standing in front of me with his chest puffed. 

Potter laughed. "You really have no idea who you're challenging, Padfoot." He shook his head in disbelief, slinging his arm around his shoulders. "Let's just go. We don't want to be late."

"Yeah, Steve Giggles' gonna be mad when we're late." Peter commented. We all halted into a stop to look at him with confusion. "Oh, come on! Steve Laughalot. Laugh, alot?"

We gave him a blank stare.

Pettigrew huffed. "Giggles! When you laugh a lot, you giggle!"

"Ohh..." we all hummed in realization at his attempt to joke. And even if the others muttered how the joke was a bit funny, I managed to laugh a little. 

Remus raised a brow. "You found that funny?"

I giggled, covering my mouth. "Come on! You gotta admit; that was actually pretty funny."

He shook his head in disbelief, slinging an arm around my shoulders. And I prayed to Merlin my hair wouldn't change color. Albeit I have learned how to control my hair changing by third year.

It was no secret to us girls — Marlene, Alice, Lily and I — that I had feelings for Remus ever since second year. Albeit I had tried not to make it obvious. I had attempted with playful flirting, but I didn't realize I'd actually catch feelings.

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