Chapter One

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Darya leaned against a wall, slightly behind Daenerys and Tyrion as they all kept their eyes on the two Greyjoys standing before them

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Darya leaned against a wall, slightly behind Daenerys and Tyrion as they all kept their eyes on the two Greyjoys standing before them. The blonde couldn't help her own eyes from drifting back to the woman, Yara. She was beautiful, yet she carried herself in a way that commanded respect. Maybe even fear... All Darya felt was curiousity as she looked the woman up and down, winking when the Greyjoy woman finally noticed her.

"Last time we saw each other was at Winterfell, yes?" Tyrion started, Darya turning to raise an eyebrow at Theon Greyjoy as she heard what poured out of her friend's mouth. "You were making jokes about my height as I seem to recall. Everyone who makes a joke about a dwarf's height thinks he's the only person ever to make a joke about a dwarf's height. 'The height of nobility', 'a man of your stature', 'someone to look up to.' You're all making the same five or six jokes."

Darya hid a laugh behind her hand at the guilty look on Theon's face but someone still caught onto it, Yara smirking slightly at the woman before looking away.

"It was a long time ago," Theon argued, willing his face back into a neutral expression. 

"It was. And how have things been going for you since then? Not so well, I gather," Tyrion questioned and Darya could tell that he took some sort of smug delight from the other man's suffering. "I can't imagine you would have murdered the Stark boys if things had been going well."

"I didn't murder the Stark boys," Theon defended, anger rising in his voice at the accusation. "But I did things that were just as bad, or worse."

"And he paid for them," Yara added, clearly getting aggravated at Tyrion's comments about her brother.

"Doesn't seem like it. He's still-" Tyrion started but was cut of as Darya finally pushed herself off the wall.

"I think that's enough, Tyrion. He won't even look you in the eye, don't you think that means he's been through enough already?" the blonde spoke up which made all eyes snap to her, well, the eyes that weren't already glued to her. "Besides, I think it's about time you let the Queen speak."

Theon seemed to look at her gratefully while his sister just stared at the woman, slightly confused. Why would a complete stranger stand up for her brother? Someone she didn't even know?

"You've brought us one hundred ships from the Iron Fleet with men to sail them." Daenerys continued their conversation, nodding thankfully in Darya's direction. "In return I expect you want me to support your claim to the throne of the Iron Islands?"

"Not my claim. Hers," Theon stated, Darya's eyebrow quirking up as she continued to look at the woman in question.

"And what's wrong with you?" the Dragon Queen asked, Darya fighting hard to bite down a remark at the man's expense.

"I'm not fit to rule."

"We can agree upon that at least." Tyrion commented, Darya rolling her eyes at the man in annoyance.

"Have the Iron Islands ever had a queen before?" Daenerys questioned curiously.

"No more than Westeros," Yara answered with a smirk as her eyes yet again made their way toward Darya.

Darya tuned out of the conversation as she continued to admire Yara, two things clashing in her mind. The incessant want to press the other woman up against a wall and smash their lips together, and the overwhelming jealousy at the thought that the woman in front of her was living a life she had only ever dreamed of. A life at sea, no one there to tell her if what she's doing is wrong. No sad old men there to bombard her with talk of politics. Just her and the ocean breeze...

"And I imagine your offer is free of any marriage demands?" Daenerys asked, successfully snapping Darya out of her train of thought.

"I never demand, but I'm up for anything really," Yara responded, making it a point to move her head toward the blonde woman standing beside the Dragon Queen.

A smirk blossomed on the blonde's face and Daenerys glanced between the two with a raised eyebrow, a plan already likely forming in her head.

"He murdered our father and would have murdered us. He'll murder you as soon as you have what he wants," Theon explained, Darya already developing a high dislike for Euron Greyjoy.

He sounded like a cunt.

"The Seven Kingdoms," Tyrion realized, turning to glance at the Queen in worry.

"All of them," the other man confirmed, nodding his head.

"And you don't want the Seven Kingdoms?" Daenerys questioned, looking down at the two Greyjoy's quizzically.

"Your ancestors defeated ours and took the Iron Islands. We ask you to give them back," Theon proposed, both him and his sister looking hopefully up at the Queen.

"And that's all?"

"We'd like you to help us murder an uncle or two who don't think a woman's fit to rule," Yara added, making Daenerys smirk.

"Reasonable," she stated, nodding her head.

"What if everyone starts demanding their independence?" Tyrion questioned, obviously not agreeing with Daenerys's statement.

"Tyrion. They weren't demanding shit," Darya argued, looking over at the Lannister.

"While that may not be the phrasing I would use, Darya is right. She's not demanding, she's asking. The others are free to ask as well," the Queen explained, turning back toward the Greyjoys. "Our fathers were evil men, almost all of us here. They left the world worse than they found it. We're not going to do that. We're going to leave the world better than we found it."

Darya watched closely as Daenerys stood and walked toward Yara before continuing to speak. As much as the woman may already admire Yara, one wrong move and Darya would put her down with no hesitation.

"You will support my claim as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and respect the integrity of the Seven Kingdoms. No more reaving, roving, raiding, or raping," the Dragon Queen finished, the Greyjoy woman looking taken aback.

"That's our way of life," Yara argued.

"No more," Daenerys ordered, the two siblings sharing a long look before responding.

"No more," Yara spoke up, extending her arm toward the Queen.

Daenerys glanced back at Tyrion and Darya, confused, the blonde woman shrugging her shoulders while the Lannister motioned for her to shake the other woman's hand. The Dragon Queen finally clasped her arm with Yara's, the two nodding before stepping away from each other.

"One more thing," Daenerys added, smiling as she made her way back toward Tyrion and Darya. "You will take one of my best soldiers with you as a show of good faith."

"No offense, Your Majesty, but I already have one man with no balls on my crew. I don't think I need another one," Yara joked, Theon subtly glaring over at his sister.

"Not a man, a woman," Daenerys stated, motioning to her side. "Darya will be accompanying you."

"Alright, that I'm okay with."

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