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Darya hid her pain as she walked beside Daenerys Targaryen, each step stretching the wounds that covered her back but she still held her head high in spite of the pain

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Darya hid her pain as she walked beside Daenerys Targaryen, each step stretching the wounds that covered her back but she still held her head high in spite of the pain. She held in a shudder as her eyes locked onto the figure of Kraznys, and even though she was no longer under his controls she was still terrified of the thought of being anywhere near the man. Drogon screeched inside his cage as two guards carried him through the crowded square.

"The master says they are untested," Missandei spoke up as Kraznys' voice rang out toward them, translating his every word. "He says you would be wise to blood them early. There are many small cities between here and there, cities ripe for sacking. Should you take captives the masters will take the healthy ones for a good price."

Darya's eyes fluttered over the thousands of Unsullied standing frozen in front of them, pitying anyone that found themselves within this cruel city.

"And who knows? In ten years, some of the boys you send them will become Unsullied in their turn. Thus all shall prosper," Missandei continued to translate, Daenerys nodding along attentively as she stared ahead of them.

The Dragon Queen walked toward her precious dragon's cage as it was set down, reaching out for him and slowly leading Drogon toward Kraznys. Darya couldn't help but be in awe of the magnificent creature as he was handed to the cruel master of Astapor, turning to share a worried look with Missandei.

"Is it done then? They belong to me?" Daenerys questioned, holding onto the whip while turning to gaze out at the gathered Unsullied.

Darya couldn't help but stare after the woman, her eyebrows furrowing as she noticed something brewing beneath the surface. The blonde's face twisted in anger as she heard Kraznys insult Daenerys but her anger quickly morphed into shock when the queen began commanding her new army in High Valyrian.

"Tell the bitch her beast won't come," Kraznys ordered Missandei, struggling for control of the dragon as it fought to get back to his mother.

"A dragon is not a slave," Daenerys responded in perfect High Valyrian, Darya repressed a laugh at the look on the man's face as he realized that the Targaryen woman had understood him the entire time.

"You speak Valyrian?" Kraznys questioned, his eyes wide as his face blanched.

"I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyria. Valyrian is my mother tongue," Daenerys stated, a fire burning behind her eyes as she glared at the man before ordering her new army to pillage the slave city.

Masters screamed and pleaded for help as they tried to escape their fate but no one came to help them, no one wanted to. The now freed slaves either yelled out in terror at the scene before them or stood and watched in both relief and awe. Darya just smiled as she stood beside Missandei, reaching out for the other woman's hand.

"We're free."

That was the start of it all, the start of Daenerys' rule. The start of Darya's free life and more importantly, the start of the path that would lead her to the best years of her life.

And if this was the start of Darya's story, just imagine what the rest of it will be like.

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