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then she started draging me to a place full of colorful lights and there was a giant wheel with pretty colors on it when we there she dragged me to a stand then she asked for a all flavored cotton candy? then the guy gave her a giant colorful cotton thing on a stick then she payed the guy then she said here i looked at her confused then here you take a piece off like this and you eat it like this ooh i said i took some off and eat it it was so good it melted on my tongue then she dragged me to a boof of toy animals then the guy said a quarter to play this game then i put a quarter on the boof then he gave three balls then he said you have to knock all the cans down then i took a ball and throw it it knocked the three caned cans then i throw the other then the other then he said what do you want then i looked at hana she was looking at the bat plusy so i said i wanted that one so he gave me then i haned it to hana then she said thank you cula then she started dragging me to a place full of colorful lights and there was a giant wheel with pretty colors on it when we there we got on then she said it's called a faris wheel when we were at the top it was so pretty then i looked at hana she looked so beautiful theni said hey hana i have something to tell you i really really like you but not as a friend then i looked away with a blush then she said look at me then she kissed me

the toy bat is the picture above

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