CH 59. The Last Party

Start from the beginning

"Thanks again for helping with tomorrow mates. Katie's really going to love it," Lee said as he climbed into his bed.

"That was all El. She just told us what to do," George said as he sat at the foot of my bed while I leaned back on the headboard.

"Got yourself a good one Freddie," Lee commented.

I couldn't put into words how right he was. I'd found my best friend and the love of my life, all in the same person. The last couple months had been perfect. Nearly the last year together had been perfect, short breakup aside. In june it would be a year that we'd have been together if we didn't take the short period into consideration. I couldn't wait until we were a bit older and we'd look back on all this and think of how young and stupid things had been. How we'd wake up every morning in our own home and go to work together, maybe get a dog so that her cat could have a friend. Family dinners on Sunday nights at the Burrow, probably Friday nights too at Casa De Lupin-Black. The whole concept almost seemed too good to be true. But it was perfect.

"Oh fuck," I said with a huge girn on my face as I took in a deep breath.

"What is it?" George asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I just... I forgot how to breathe for a moment," I said and looked up at them, a smile still on my face.

"Ahh, our little Forge is in love," George said and placed his hand on my knee, giving it a little shake.

"I guarantee you mate, you're going to marry that girl one day. I can already see it, Elodie and Fred Potter-Weasley. With vows to put everyone to shame," Lee said and threw a pillow my way. I didn't say much else. Just relished in the thought of us being happy. Together.

"Katie's going to love it, just make sure you don't forget the wrapper tomorrow night. No adding to the population just yet mate," George said to him with a wink.

"Ohhh!" I said and threw the pillow back at him.

"You got any to spare?" Lee asked.

"Sorry mate, none to spare," I answered.


We all went to breakfast and our lessons like it was a normal day. Ginny and Elodie skipped dinner to stay in the common room and decorate it to their specific liking. Immediately after, George and I went to the kitchen to let the house elves know they could send everything up. We quickly hurried back to the common room, passing Lee and Katie in the corridor.

"They're coming," George whispered as we entered in.

I raised my wand to dim the lights as we all waited for them to enter in through the portal door. The air filled with everyone shushing each other before it actually went quiet. We heard them enter and waited to hear the door close to be sure no one walking by would hear and report the entirety of Gryffindor house to Umbridge.

"Hello?" Katie called out.

I waved their wand again turning the lights back on as everyone yelled "Surprise!" With another flick of my wand a fire resistant firework show began above us and spelled out 'Katie' before it was over. She absolutely lit up, and there was no doubt that she loved it.

"Thank you lot, honestly! Best 17th a girl could ask for," Katie said as we stood around doing shots of firewhiskey.

"Oh! There's one more thing!" Elodie said before she left the circle for a moment with Ginny in tow.

"I can't believe you all planned this. Thank you lovie," She said to us before redirecting her attention to Lee.

"It was mostly El. You know no one can plan a shindig like she can," Lee told her.

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