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"daddy what house do you think i will be in" i said while walking into the muggle train station for my first year at hogwarts. My father squeezed my hand while pushing my cart "well your the smartest 11 year old i know so maybe Ravenclaw But your mother and i where slytherin's and with that big mouth of your's you will fit right in" he stated, the mention of my mother made shivers go down my spine but i shoved it off she wasn't gonna ruin this day for me.

we walked up to platforms 9 3/4 quarters, there was a raven head boy with glasses standing there looking confused as ever "do you think he's a mudblood father" i asked before my father could answer the raven headed boy eyes locked with mine, he started walking up to us my father gasped i looked at him confused written all over my face,i though it was because he was a muggle born about to talked to us but as i  looked at my fathers face he looked speech less "hello do you know where platform 9 3/4 quarters is ?" "blimey well its right through there " my father pointed at the wall the boy looked at us like if we had three heads "let her show you" my father gave me my cart and gestured his hand towards the wall telling me to go " i nodded and ran through the wall.

moments later the raven headed boy with glasses walked in front of me his face full of awe, my father put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile "be friends with that one" he said in my ear, i gave him a confused look but nodded. Then as we started walking towards the train the whispers and stares started and i think i even herd a few gasps, don't get me wrong i love attention but not this kind i always felt misunderstood, no one wanted to be my friend since my mother was a phycho they thought i was too but i'm not my mother, it didn't help that i was an exact replica of her i had big curly black hair the more mad i got the more curly my hair got, my father said it was a curse from my mother side of the family, i also have her face structure, from what i could tell the only time i have ever seen her where in the daily prophet photos of her in her cell.

"she should not be able to go to hogwarts she will probably end up just like her mother" and old lady said besides her was a boy with brown hair holding a frog he looked like he was about to pass out "you don't know -" i was cut off before i could even finish my sentence "its alright darling lets not waist are time on people who don't even have class" my father said while putting my trunk on the train the old lady scoffed but didn't say anything else.

once he was done he put his both hands on my shoulder's " my baby girl is growing up so fast " my father said i gagged "eww dad stop being so sentimental" i laughed my father loved me very much he would do anything for me i was everything to him "i'm sorry i though i should give you all the goodbye crap that all the other parents give their kids before they leave" we both laughed " its alright dad i know you will miss me blah blah blah now can i go" i said he rolled his eyes "be good ok i want good grades and NO BOY's " he said with a serious face " ok dad" i said while giving him a hug i'm gonna miss you so much" i said while already tearing up my father was everything to me i have never spent more then a day apart from him " now who's getting sentimental ?" we laughed again while a tear fell from my eye, he wiped it off with his thumb "write to me everyday ok and if anyone is causing you any trouble you tell me and i will take care of it" my father stated. i nodded and started walking towards the train "SLYTHERIN" i heard him yell,  i turned around and smiled giving him an eye roll and a wave goodbye.

i walked into the train, i tried to look for an empty compartment since i wanted to be alone i wasn't really a people person since kids where usually banned from hanging out with me by there parents. i walked for about 2 minutes until i found a compartment with the raven haired boy with glasses he was alone and looking confused i almost walked passed him but i remembered what my father said "be friends with that one" his voice repeated in my mind.

i opened the compartment door which must have shocked the raven headed boy since he jumped "hello, mind if i sit here?" i said giving him a smile he smiled back and nodded, i sat opposite from him "Ascella Lestrange, but please call me Anette" i said while putting out my hand for him to shake i expected him to cringe at my name that's what a lot of people do but he didn't. weird i though to myself he's a mudblood why would my father want me to be friends with a mudblood "Harry Potter" he said while shaking my hand, i gasped "the harry potter?" i said as i looked at his forhead there i was the scar everything came together. yup definitely not a ravenclaw i thought to myself. we stayed in a comfortable silence for about 3 minutes until the compartment door opened.

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