Chapter 3: A Wild Night

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Bismuth slept like a baby that night. She awoke to the sound of Lapis humming. Bismuth got up and investigated what Lapis was doing. She was making pancakes.

"Good morning." Bismuth said stretching.

Bismuth smiles and made her way to the fridge. She got the jug of orange juice and poured herself a glass.

"I'm heading out in a little bit. You gonna be fine here?" Bismuth said as she made her way to the table.
"Yeah... I actually was gonna go over to Peridot's place. She invited me to play some games with her and Amethyst.
"Oh ok! Do you want me to leave my key here so you can lock the door when you leave?"
"Sure! Thanks."
"No problem."

Lapis flipped the last pancake and made her and Bismuth's plates. They sat in silence. Once they were done Lapis took the plates and placed them in the sink.

"That was delicious." Bismuth said getting up.
"I try. Thank you." Lapis said smiling.

Bismuth went to her room and started to get ready. She put on some nice jeans and a button up shirt. She put her hair up, grabbed her keys and phone and made her way to the front door.

"My apartment key is on the counter." Bismuth said before she walked out.
"Cool. Thanks." Lapis said watching some show on tv.

Bismuth left and drove to the theater.
When she arrived she spotted Pearl standing outside the doors waiting for her.

"Bismuth!" Pearl said excitedly.
"Hey Pearl! You look great!"
"Heh thanks. You do as well."
"Thanks. You ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be."

They both entered the theater. They bought some popcorn and a large drink to share. They both found their seats and got comfortable.
Throughout the movie both Bismuth and Pearl got pretty scared. At one point -without even putting any thought into it- Pearl quickly grabbed Bismuth's arm trying to shield herself from the fictional jump scare.
Bismuth- on the other hand- sure noticed. She panicked for a moment. Not from the terrifying movie playing on the large screen, but from the woman Bismuth viewed as an angel actually going to her for comfort.

Bismuth slowly put her arm around Pearl. Pearl leaned in. They both sat in silence for the remainder of the movie.
After the movie ended the both got up and just rambled on and on about how much they loved the movie.

"I still can't believe that ending!" Bismuth said with a surprised look.
"I know! I don't think I've wanted to cry more about a scary movie than right at that moment."
"Heh. Are you hungry?"
"A little. We ate quite a bit of popcorn."
"Heh. Yeah. Wanna go to that restaurant I was talking about? We could just get a couple drinks and appetizers if you'd like."
"That sounds lovely."
"Sweet. Do you need a ride or do you have your own."
"I do have a ride. We can meet there."
"Okie dokie. See you there."

They both walked to their cars. Little did either of them know that the other was blushing intensely. For both of their lives were starting to change for the better.

Once they got to the restaurant they both met up at the front doors. They smiled at each other and walked in.

"Hey Snowflake!" Bismuth yelled catching the attention of a large woman that stood behind the bar.
"What's up Bismuth!" The woman said before walking over and doing some sort of handshake.
"Nothin much. Just wanting to have a couple drinks with my... friend here."

The muscular stranger looked down at the much smaller Pearl. She put her hand out.

"Snowflake Obsidian. Pleasure to meet you!"
"I'm Pearl. It's a pleasure to meet you too!" Pearl said shaking Snowflake's hand.

"Alright. Where do you two wanna sit?" Snowflake asked while grabbing two menus.
"Where do you want to sit Pearl?" Bismuth asked.
"Anywhere if fine with me."
"Alright. The bar then." Bismuth said grinning.

Snowflake led them to their seats and handed them their menus.

"I'm guessing you want your usual Bis?" Snowflake said drying a cup.
"Alrighty! One Bloody Mary coming up! And for you Pearl?"
"Oh! I'll just have a Lemon Drop Martini please."
"Alrighty. One Lemon Drop coming up!"

Snowflake quickly made their drinks and went on to take order from the others who were at the bar.

Bismuth and Pearl say comfortably together and drank their drinks. They laughed and laughed for hours just talking about their crazy lives.

"Wait wait wait... You were in a gang!?" Bismuth said flabbergasted.
"It wasn't a gang. It was a small group of me and my friends. We would go around and rebel against other groups." Pearl said calmly, sipping her third drink.
"Idk. Sounds like a gang to me." Bismuth said joking.
"Oh shut up!" Pearl said laughing.
"So I'm guessing that's where you got that scar on your cheek?" Bismuth asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah. Me and..." Pearl's face suddenly turned gloom. "Me and a... friend got into a pretty nasty fight with a pretty big group of people. I got a broken nose and a pretty gash in my face from it. We won the fight though." Pearl said gaining a small smile.
"Woah. You were much more of a badass than I thought."
"Hell yeah I was." Pearl said giving a small chuckle.

They stayed until closing time. Bismuth stopped drinking a little while before they left because she knew she had to drive home. Pearl on the other hand got a little carried away. In other words... Pearl was drunk.

"Hey. Uh. Pearl? Do you just wanna hop in my car and spend the night? I don't think you should be driving." Bismuth said seriously.
"Yeah...p-probably" Pearl said sounding tired.
"Alright then. Get in." Bismuth said opening the passenger side door of her car.

Pearl got in and leaned her head back. Bismuth also preceded to get into the drivers seat.
They made it back to Bismuth's apartment. Bismuth lead Pearl to her front door and let her inside. She directed Pearl to the couch. She then proceeded to flip on the couch. She fell asleep almost immediately.

"Heh... Poor doll wore herself out." Bismuth said quietly to herself.

It sure was a wild night. She got Pearl and blanket and headed to her room. This was when Bismuth noticed that Lapis wasn't here. But Bismuth didn't put much thought into it. She assumed that she had spent the night at Peridot's apartment.

Bismuth sat alone in her room listening to the sound of her ticking clock. She had her mind on a lot of things. Eventually she drifted off to sleep. Dreaming about the beautiful woman who now rested on her couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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