Chapter 2: A Minor Test of Strength

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Link in Mipha's body:

It was sunny morning in Zora's Domain. Link had woken up quite regularly this time around, but still remained in shock to find himself breathing whilst most of his body was submerged beneath the surface of a Zora slumber pool. Upon realization he was startled but refrained from panicking so he wouldn't draw any attention to himself from the other Zoras. Soon after he had woken up, he was asked to see King Dorephan in the throne room, thus had begun a new day for a Zora princess.

Upon reaching the throne room, King Dorephan began to go over situations that may arise within the domain and the impact they have on the Domain itself, as well as the rest of Hyrule. The most important was the care for the East Reservoir Lake, where a majority of Hyrule's fresh water came from. The Zoras were the guardians of the Reservoir for thousands of years and have always remained as loyal subjects to the King of Hyrule. This camaraderie was the basis of the Kingdom of Hyrule was based off of and King Dorephan emphasized the importance of proper diplomacy between the two kingdoms.

Link nodded his head and attempted to understand the mechanics of what King Dorephan was teaching him, yet so much would escape him. He was not fit to be a ruler of a kingdom, apparently the soul who's body he had occupied would be much more prepared for anything of this caliber. The meeting with the King went smoothly, and mostly consisted of Link nodding in understanding of just about everything the King was saying, even if he did not understand himself.

"My dear, are you still troubled by the nightmares the other day?" Said King Dorephan. "I noticed you've grown a bit more quiet than usual."

Link was taken aback by this question. He had gotten away with acknowledging the pointers the King was giving yet he was able to detect that something had been off with his daughter. Understandably, of course he would, it was his daughter after all. Link took a deep breath and felt that he owed her father an answer.

"Father I.. I've been having strange dreams lately. Dreams of living a different life..."

King Dorephan gave his daughter a sympathetic look. Perhaps she was stressed about eventually inheriting the throne. "Perhaps you are feeling stressed about inheriting the throne.."

The King had a decent point about royalty, yes. However he completely missed the mark. This situation Link was in was much more complicated than meets the eye. Link, going along with Dorephan's assumption nodded in agreement.

"..I see now, my dear. I just want to prepare you for when your day comes which will not be for a long while. I do not wish to stress you, but I would like for you to always be prepared for anything. I won't leave the throne for a while." King Dorephan added.

"Yes, you're still young and healthy." Link added.

King Dorephan chuckled at his daughters remark. He had a very jolly laugh that was quite contagious, even when it was short. Link couldn't help but share this energy of his, the Kings empathy towards others was something he felt was familiar, but he couldn't recall much of.

Towards the end of the conversation King Dorephan asked Mipha to play with her brother, Prince Sidon by one of the many lakes that adorned the area of Zora's Domain whenever she could. Link walked out of the meeting with a sense of happiness, although this life he was in did not belong to him, he felt like it could.

l'd have to find Zora's Domain in my own body when I get back to it, he thought to himself.


Link held a clear large vase containing the newborn prince Sidon. He was still in his stage of infancy, which meant that he resembled a fish more than what a common Zora would look like. It was this stage that Zora were the most vulnerable, and King Dorephan suggested that, every now and then, to help exercise his lungs by feeding him by hand so that his upper body would be out of the water.

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