"Neil? Is that you?" I turn to see Erin's mom. I nod and give a small smile. "What brings you here?"

I step closer to the doorframe. "I was actually coming to check on Erin. I noticed she hasn't been at school for the last few days." I notice the expression that was once slightly happy had left; Mrs. Walker had sadness in her eyes.

"Oh, um.." She trailed off, contemplating something.

"If now's not a good time-" My sentence was cut off by the voice of a girl.

"Mom, who is it?" Erin walks up next to her mom, her arms crossed against her chest. I notice a look of confusion come across her face once she sees me. "Parsons?" She says, her confusion growing.

One thing I notice upon Beanie seeing me, is that a sliver of happiness appears in her eyes. But, she quickly masks it.

"That's my name." Her blue eyes roll in her eyelids and a smirk plays on my lips.

"What are you doing here?" She stands up more straight, her arms still crossed.

"I came to make sure you were okay." She looks a bit shocked at my statement but I spot another hint of happiness radiating off her.

"You're not catching feelings are you?" She smiles and I shake my head, a smile on my lips as well.

"Neil, I'm not sure this is the best time." Mrs. Walker pitches in, looking to Beanie then me. 

"Mom, I'm fine." Beanie says as a more serious tone exits her mouth. "Come in." She says to me, moving so I can walk in. I hesitate, watching Mrs. Walker's facial expression before she sighs in defeat and allows me to come in. 

"Are you sure, Mrs. Walker? I don't want to intrude. I can-" She waves her hand and a smile appears.

"It's alright. And please, call me Anna. Mrs. Walker is too formal." I notice some thoughts going through Beanie's head but she just walks further into the house. I then walk in and close the door behind me.

I never really looked at Beanie's house until now. It's fairly small, compared to mine at least. The living room is to the left of the entrance and the kitchen/dining room is to left. There's a hall straight ahead, bedrooms and bathrooms down that way, I assume.

"You coming?" Beanie says, pulling me out of my observations. I follow her down the hall, probably to her room. We past pictures of her family, mainly of her and with no father figure in sight.

She leads me to the room farthest from the entrance, tucked into a corner. She opens her grey bedroom door and just walks in. I stand outside her door, not sure if I should come in.

"You can come in if you want. But if you wanna stand out there all day too, you do that." I hear the humor in her voice and I roll my eyes, walking in her room. She's sat herself on her teal and baby pink comforter, closing textbooks and putting them on the floor beside her bed. I seat myself in a rolling chair beside a desk. 

Silence fills the room, the tension between us very noticeable. I look to her, noticing her features now. Her head is titled down, looking down at her phone. Her blonde-brown colored hair is tied into a braid thing, resting on her left shoulder. An olive green colored beanie sits on her head, matching her shirt, which is an olive green color with an alien design on the front. 

"How many beanies do you have?" I say at random. She looks up to me, putting her phone on charge and directing her attention to me.

I watch as she stands up and walks to her dresser, which is beside the desk I'm sitting at. I look at her attire fully now. She looks comfy, in a loose t-shirt and leggings. What shocks me is her socks; she's wearing the ones I gave her, the ones with sushi on them.

It All Started with a BeanieWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt