Chapter 14 - Baby Ultron?

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Megan's phone rang out in the early morning, making her groan and turn over to reach it before anyone else woke up. "Meg... Get the damn phone." Steve growled, despite his affection for waking up early morning, today he was as grumpy as the grouch from Sesame Street. "I've got it." She grabbed the phone and turned it on without checking the caller ID.

Steve could only hear one side of the phone conversation and it was making him panic the longer he listened in. "Hey Maria." "Huh... Maria, sweetheart, calm down." "He did what?" "Maria... breathe, I can't understand you." "Who's Coultron?" "Ohhh... WAIT ULTRON WAS THERE?" "THE TEAM'S ON THEIR WAY." Megan hung up and jumped up, grabbing one of Steve's shirts and wrapping it around her body before she ran out of the room, knocking on all the doors.

"GET UP. ULTRON WAS AT THE COMPOUND!" Natasha opened the door to her room, groaning groggily, "Megan... it's six in the morning, what the hell?" "Yell at me later, suit up." Natasha let out a scream of frustration before walking back inside her room to get ready. "LISTEN. All of you lazy asses, suit up, Ultron's on the move."

Within an hour, a quinjet was outside and ready and everyone was rushing down the stairs to get to it. Megan was last, as she headed out Laura grabbed her arm, and Megan could tell how hard she was trying to hold back her tears. "Promise me that you'll bring Clint back alive." "Laura-" Megan started, but she shook her head, "Meg, promise me!" Megan looked at Cooper and Lila who were looking at her with big, soft eyes.

She knew she had to bring their father, baby Nathaniel Xavier's father back. "Ok, I promise." Laura nodded in relief, giving Megan a tight hug. Letting her go, Lila and Cooper ran up to her, hugging her too, "Auntie Meg, stay safe." Cooper said with a nod, Megan smiled at him and kissed his cheek and Lila's. She gently disentangled herself and sped down to the jet, she looked back one last time, took a deep breath and ran into the jet, strapping herself in.


Steve was on the roof as he whispered into his comm, "Two minutes. Stay close." He had noticed that since Megan had left Laura's place she was keeping a close eye on Clint and knocking down his idiotic ideas, even if they were meant to be taken as a joke. Immediately, of course, Steve knew what was up, with her kind heart she probably promised to bring Clint back alive to Laura and even though that's what Steve wanted as well, he wanted Megan safer.

Steve crashed through the roof and made his way to Dr. Cho who was lying on the floor in a pool of her blood and moaning in pain. "Dr. Cho!" Steve ran up to her, laying her head in his lap. "He's uploading himself into the body." She managed through her fatigue and Steve held on more tightly to her, "Where?" Helen coughed up blood and then looked back into Steve's eyes, "The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark." "First I have to find it." Steve muttered and Helen nodded through the pain, "Go."

Steve gently laid Helen down and ran to the door, before looking back at her once more, "What about you? Are you okay?" Helen waved a dismissive hand towards Steve, "I'll be fine, hopefully." That didn't make Steve feel much better about leaving her there, but he had no other choice. Steve ran to the quinjet and got back on it where he immediately heard Megan and Clint fighting before he saw them.

"LIKE HELL YOU ARE!" Steve heard Megan scream and he flinched, knowing firsthand how hard she was to deal with after she got mad gave him mind-riddling anxiety. Steve looked at Natasha who blew out an exasperated puff of air as she shrugged, "He's tryna draw Ultron out by shooting at him. Megan shot down the idea. Now, they're fighting." "Don't you dare give me sass Brooks, I'm still 2 decades older than you kid." "Like I give a fuck, old man."

Natasha rolled her eyes and looked at the tablet, she handed it to Steve, "There. It's the truck from the lab. Right above us, Steve. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab." Steve nodded and he heard Clint yell from the driver's seat, "I could take out the driver." Although before he could respond he heard a string of profanities from Megan's mouth, "Damn Meg, careful otherwise the Cap might take away sex as punishment." Nat chuckled as she saw Steve's horrified face.

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