Chapter Eleven ✅

Start from the beginning

I slowly made my way to school, I saw Jason just standing at the front gate. Just standing there and not entering it, then he walked on. He's skipping school? How can kids do it so easily? I ran after him.

"Jason! What on earth? Let's go back to school,"

He dug both his hands in his black school pants. Everyone's is grey but I've never seen him in one. He's slightly off school uniform actually because we wear blue, red and white ties but he wears black bow ties and suspenders. "Nope. I'm not going back,"

"Why not? You don't seem like the type to skip school,"

"I'm not, but there's a new teacher there and he's been stalking me for the whole week last week. This weekend too, and now he's at school? Um... yeah, I'm not going back,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah!" He slightly raised his voice which was a first to me. "I've seen him standing in the forest behind the orphanage, standing there with binoculars. Taking pictures. He's been at three restaurants I've been at, just looking at me eating food. Not even hiding the fact that he's stalking me, by taking more pictures. You see all these students dying, do you want me to be next?"

What he said was concerning. "What does he look like?"

"He's standing by the stairs, where Paul always does, wearing an orange coat. Why?"

I had to know who this person is. Maybe Orchid can help us find out what his problem is, perhaps it's a hunter. But why would hunters be wanting Jason for? And if It is a hunter, why not just capture him already? "Stay right here. I have to go and do what he does best,"

He seemed a bit confused, "take pictures?"

I tapped my finger against his chest, "yep, take pictures. Don't you wanna know who it is?"

He looked at me for a few seconds and shrugged, "who wouldn't?"

I jogged back to the school gate and saw the man still just standing there. He looked as if he's looking for someone, perhaps even still Jason. I took a good picture of his face and ran back to Jason who surprisingly waited on me. "Where we going?"

"Who's we?"

I snickered. "Come one. You can't be left alone, what if he has partners? I mean, who's he sending all those pictures to?"

He cocked his head to the side, "You believe me? What I said sounds fucking insane. Who would be stalking me? I'm not the president's child,"

"You are telling the truth though, right?"

He nodded his head. Good. I mean bad, someone's stalking him. Maybe at the end of the day, it's time for him to know the truth as well. "By the way, who you gonna send the picture to? The police?"

"Nope. Someone I just met. Which reminds me, we have to buy a diamond crusted clutch bag. We can go there first?"

He didn't agree but he didn't fight the idea either, so we went and bought Orchid the clutch bag. He whistled when he saw the price on the bag but kept his mouth shut. What's that supposed to mean? I asked if I could see her and went to the back when I got the okay. He came along with me. She said that she'll see what she can find out, and loved her bag so much.

Jason and I went to a grocery store and bought snacks. Chips, drinks, sweets just a few things to keep our mouths busy with while we skip school. He has a place that he says he loves going to, the top of the mountain. There's a waterfall, the grass was breathtaking. The chirping of birds was peaceful, he walked up to a log. He says it's his spot. He said that not many people know if this beautiful place because many humans are afraid to walk in the forest or go up the mountain.

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