Chapter 2

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Narrator's POV:
      Today was Haruka Nanase’s first day at a new school. The hydrophilic omega had finally gotten into his dream school and couldn’t wait to dive into the rumored 200-meter pool. The thought of all that water made his eyes sparkle.

      He walked to school and his homeroom was 2-4. He hoped things would go better than they had at his old school. He reached the gate and saw students crowd around a specific person. The boy had pretty green eyes and brown hair to go along with. Haruka passed by and smelled a sweet and comforting scent coming. He didn’t know who it was from since there were so many people so he just shook it off and walked to his classroom before the bell rang. 

Haruka's POV:
      I arrived and took the back seat next to the window. When I looked at the sky he felt calm. Though not as much in the water per se. The bell rung and more students came in. The teacher came in two minutes after and took attendance. He prepared himself for the introduction he had to give.
      “Well students, if you haven’t already noticed, we have a new student that will be joining us. Haruka Nanase if you would please stand up.” Haruka cringed when he heard his name. He stood up and said, “Hi my name is Haruka Nanase. But I prefer to be called Haru. I look forward to a great year with you all.” Haruka hated his girly name so he would tell people to call him “Haru.” “Thank you Nanase-kun, you may be seated,” said Amakata-sensei. “Since Nanase-kun just transferred here I will pick someone to show him around.” She pointed at the seat in front of me and said, “Rin Matsuoka will show you around. If you have any questions, you can ask him.” The red-haired boy looked back at me and I nodded at Amakata-sensei.
      “Now, time for today’s lesson...” I tuned her out and stared at the sky. I smelled the calming scent I noticed earlier and turned my head. I saw the boy I saw at the gate sitting next to me and realized the fragrance was coming from him. He noticed me staring and smiled. He has a nice smile. It was beautiful and reassuring. “Nee Haru, I noticed you were staring at the sky. I know it’s pretty and all but you’d regret not listening to Amakata-sensei’s lesson. She doesn’t joke around and is really strict,” he whispered. I said, “Really? Thanks for the tip. I’ll pay attention, hehe.” We both giggled and looked back at Amakata-sensei before we got caught. No wonder everyone likes him. I have to ask for his name after class. ‘Maybe this year won’t be so bad’, I thought and smiled again.

      Hi guys, Niko here! I wanted to let you know that this story will upload every Saturday or Sunday with one chapter. See you next Saturday or Sunday! Niko out!🤗

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