Chapter Thirty Eight

Start from the beginning

"I moved to sit next to Lauren, putting my arm around her. "Don't you dare talk like that., you've got a lot going for you-"

"Have I? Let's go back. Single. Dead-end job. Live with mother. Personal ad writes itself doesn't it?"

"You're better off without that scumbag." I spat, and Lauren chuckled. "And you were only in that job to get through uni-"

"Yeah, then I dropped out of uni didn't I?"

"Doesn't mean you have to stay there if you don't like it."

"Nah, I know. It's not bad, I just... I'm just down on life."

"I know Loz... I'm not saying you have to be fine; I'm just trying to help you see it's not hopeless... like you did with me for like a million years."

"You're doing fine." Lauren sighed, hugging me back.

"Can I suggest one thing?"


"I think you should talk to your mum." I said slowly, afraid of her reaction but Lauren didn't move. "She probably noticed you're not yourself."

"You're right... she doesn't get why me and Damien finished... maybe I should tell her."

"I think you should. Everyone needs their mum. Apart from me, whose mother is a massive bitch."

Lauren finally laughed, that loud cackle that made heads turn.

"There it is." I chuckled. "It's gonna be okay you know."

"I know." Lauren said, like she didn't really believe it.

"And I'm gonna help you and be here through everything."

"I know that too."


I wasn't happy about Lauren leaving my house that afternoon. I made her promise about eighty times that she would come round or contact me any hour of the day or night should she need me before allowing her out the door. She insisted she was fine and was just going to go home and talk to her mum.

I realise how tired I was when I closed the door and the silence of the house struck me, barely making it upstairs to get my phone before going back down and falling onto the sofa and closing my eyes.

I was woken up twice in an hour, first by Alfie arriving home, and slamming the door behind him.

"For God's sake!" I groaned. Alfie popped his head into the front room.

"Oh hi! I didn't think anyone would be in, sorry."

"Whatever... hang on, you're back late aren't you?"

"Yeah... bumped into a friend in town and went for a drink. I'm going to bed now."

"Good for you, goodnight."

"What's up with you?"

"Didn't sleep."

"Okay... see you later."

I rolled over on the sofa, closing my eyes again as Alfie closed the door after him. I was asleep for about ten minutes before my phone rang and I felt like crying as I turned to answer it, almost falling straight onto the floor."


"No, guess again." Perrie giggled and I couldn't help but smile.


"Morning? It's like, nearly three."

"I know, I didn't sleep last night."

"At all?"

Nothing Else Matters - Perrie EdwardsWhere stories live. Discover now