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Started December 6th 2020 (OH MY GOD)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto this is purely fanwork ALSO STILL WORKING ON COVER ART BUT I WANTED TO GET THIS OUT

Sequel to FALLEN ( A Naruto (female) reader-insert) SPOILERS FOR AFOREMENTIONED FIC AHEAD

I'm not quite sure whether or not the title as it is presently will stick- but it's the best I've got for now. ANYWAYS, HELLO, welcome! I'm finally doing it! This draft was first made in December of 2020, and now... I guess I was just trying to be canon accurate?? I did miss that cut off by like 6 months tho, so oops? Currently I'm still editing Fallen to be a lot better, then, I'm going to publish/finish the male and nonbinary versions and eventually get those caught up with this. I'm planning on getting a few chapters written to post weekly ahead of time before I head back to college for the spring semester. But WOW, it's been crazy! This chapter is more so an intro, so it won;t be as long as I plan the chapters to consistently be. Thank you to those who have been SO patient with me, to recap, as I did with Fallen, this will be canon/manga compliant, not really any filler. Not beta-read. Here we go again! Into Naruto SHIPPUDEN!


Dust trailed behind as quick and accurate footsteps fought their way through the building, 2 and ½ years and she still remembered. The way the poison had turned icy hot in her veins, the feeling of helplessness as the people she was meant to trust became the enemy. The look of satisfaction Sora gave her knowing how easily she wove in and out of Y/n's visions, her memories- her very childhood. All with the perfect distraction of Sasuke, it's so easy to win against the person you broke down from the start. From the second she was born Y/n was powerful, but that only matters if the person with power knows it and learns to use it wisely. She was shoved towards the role of the silent watcher, the oracle, the psychic of the Hidden Leaf, who couldn't even see the ever powerful Akatsuki coming for her. Their only goal was for Naruto, right? It's so easy to forget the power you are born with if you are never told it is there.

Sasuke Uchiha- a boy, growing into a man- a rogue ninja, he always knew that he was special in some way- and perhaps that's his personal hubris. His sense of importance, created not only by his brother but those around him; who gawked and scared and begged him to love them. In the end even Naruto, trailing helplessly after him- refusing to give up on him; even with a sword to his back. Every muscle in Y/n's body tensed as she watched, so much preparation to get to this point. The swirling hallways had turned into rubble, a pit of cement and dust, at the top of the pit- stood Sasuke. Sakura, Y/n, Sai, and Yamato held themselves back as Naruto stepped up to see his greatest rival, and the one who claimed him as his best and only friend.

'Sasuke Uchiha, damn you.'

Color drained from the scene, dripping into gray, swirling into black. As reality distorted, a voice echoed and reverberated along the recesses of her mind.

Well well, it's been too long hasn't it, Y/n? It was not one she knew yet.

Her eyes fluttered open, falling leaves landing on her gently folded hands as she returned from her trance. Y/n rolled her stiff shoulders, stretched her spine, and gently used the bark of the tree behind her to ground her back to the present as she stood up from the bench.

'Two and ½ years...'

Y'n had grown taller, more comfortable as she inched towards the false age of her past. 15 years old already... No need to dawdle, a flash of orange shot up a cement pole of one of the buildings in front of her. "I"M HOME, EVERYONE!" The long missed voice shouted. "NARUTO UZUMAKI HAS RETURNED TO THE HIDDEN LEAF VILLAGE!"

Sakura and Konohamaru skidded to a halt at the base of the beam. "Is it really him?" "Looks like it!"

Sakura cupped her hands around her mouth. "Naruto?! Naruto is that you?!" The blond leaned into a better view and smiled at her. "When did you get back to the village Naruto?!"

"Just now!" He jumped off the three story height with incredible ease, landing in front of her. He was taller... not a small fry anymore. "NARUTO!" Y/n tackled him into a hug as Sakura gawked at his height. Naruto stood firm and welcomed the greeting- easily stopping the pair from toppling backwards from the momentum. "Oomf! Y/n! It's so good to see you ended up okay! Last time I saw you was pretty scary huh?" He laughed pulling out of the hug- and spun around- flexing like the dork he is. "ANYWAYS, check me out! Aren't I cool?!"

' He is cool' - Y/n supposed- trading the dark blue for black definitely made him appear a little edgier. But his whole persona too, the Naruto she remembered would have fainted at a hug from her. Not to mention- he would have been knocked off balance the last time they saw each other- beyond him maturing- he was also strong. Sturdy- still acrobatic and lean- but muscle replaced the baby fat Naruto had last time. But it was still Naruto- same goofy grin- spiky hair, just different, good different, Y/n decided. "You were always-"

"Hey Naruto!" Konohamaru interrupted the moment with an inappropriate and inappropriately timed transformation. A puff of smoke revealed a woman that could be straight out of Pervy- Sage's novels. "~Sexy Justu~ What do you think?! Not bad in the curves department huh?" He popped back as quickly as it was done- but he still managed to leave the girls flabbergasted, and Jiraya with a nose-bleed. Naruto straightened up and cocked his head- tone drifting into seriousness. "Konohamaru- I'm not that scrawny little kid anymore. And you shouldn't be using jutsu like that either- it's beneath you."

A blush bloomed across Sakura's face as Y/n swallowed a laugh of dramatic irony. The blond shifted his stance- determination to show off, illuminating from him. "I MEAN COME ON KONOHAMARU IS THAT ALL YOU GOT- NOW STEP ASIDE AND GET A LOAD OF MY BRAND SPANKING NEW PERVY NINJUTSU!" A streak of pink dashed forward, fist connecting to the jaw as Naruto was sent flying down the street. "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU PERVY LITTLE DOOFUS? WE DON'T SEE EACH OTHER FOR OVER TWO YEARS AND YOU"VE GOT THE NERVE TO PULL A STUNT LIKE THAT?!" Sakura grabbed him by the collar- lifting him just barely to his knees as she continued to chew him out. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW THAT MAKES ME FEEL?! DO YOU?! I DON'T MISS-"

Y/n winced in the little sympathy she could muster, as much as Sakura was in a way coming from the right place; Y/n had been on the receiving end of a couple. With Sasuke and Naruto gone, the girls (as the remaining of Squad 7) still made a point to train together as often as possible. Within that- the girl who gave up in barely 20 seconds in the Chunin exams, blossomed even further to much dismay. Y/n swears one of her teeth has felt loose since the first time Sakura was able to connect her fist to her face. It is not a fate she'd befit on anyone, but of the Yonin to follow in the footsteps of personality wise- Tsunade was actually the best she could have done. Sakura rattled and jolted Naruto back and forth- screaming at him as villagers cautiously watched from the sidelines.

'Wow... And she STILL won't go to anger management with me huh Ryoko?'

No response. Still, two and a half years of no response after whatever Sora had done to her. Y/n bit down so hard on the inside of her cheek she drew blood in her frustration. Every thought she has either revolves around the state of the timeline or Ryoko. Getting a response from Ryoko, every attempt to find out what exactly was done (and how exactly she was sealed so perfectly), came up fruitless. Y/n's head jerked to the side instinctively as she stepped up to the situation at hand. "Alright! Break it up you two!" She grabbed them each by the elbow and hauled Naruto to his feet while keeping Sakura at bay. " I mean really, the three of us are finally back together! Let's celebrate that! Can't expect Naruto to have matured that much in only 2 and ½ years, huh Sakura?"

She smiled at each of them- pulling them each under either of her arms for an awkward show of unity. The trio sighed together as they marched their way straight to Lady Tsunade.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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Runnin' ( A Naruto Shippuden Reader Insert) (Female Versions)Where stories live. Discover now